爱岗敬业(cherishing the job devotionally)、计算机输入(computer input)、以身作则(set an example)、深入发展(further development)、不可或缺(indispensable)、每一个学生、《中小学教师职业道德规范》、传道授业解惑、品德高尚(lofty moral character)、有说服力(forcibility)
A. 【参考范文】参考范文:谈"学高为师,身正为范"
那么你可能要问了,到底是"学高"重要呢,还是"身正"重要呢?答案是两者都很重要。作为一名合格的教师,作为一名身兼"教书""育人"双重重任的教师,"学高"是教师传授知识的巨大库存,只有博学和慎思,才有可能带出才能杰出的学生;而"身正"是教师自身的品德修养,只有教师品德高尚(lofty moral character),学生才能德才兼备。如果一名教师只注重"学高",那他对学生的教育无异于给计算机输入指令。他培养出来的要么是无情的高智商人才,要么是"越有知识越反动"的社会危险分子。但如果一名教师只注重"身正"而不修其学识,那也只能是"金玉其外败絮其中"的绣花枕头,不能真正培养学生成为一名对社会发展有利的高素质人才。
A. 爱岗敬业
B. 关爱学生
C. 团结协作
D. 为人师表
[单选题]营业性歌厅、酒吧、网吧、未成年人不适宜进入的场所,应当设置明显的( )标志,不得允许未成年人进入。
A. 小学生禁止进入
B. 未成年人禁止进入
C. 衣冠不整者禁止进入
D. 未满16岁不得入内
[单选题]"入芝兰之室,久而不间其香"描述的是( )。
A. 适应现象
B. 听觉适应
C. 嗅觉刺激
D. 味觉刺激
[单选题]请阅读 Passage 2,完成1~5小题。
Passage 2
Everyone knows that English departments are in trouble,but you can't appreciate just how much trouble until you read the new report from the Modern Language Association.The report is about Ph.D.programs,which have been in decline since 2008.These programs have gotten both more difficult and less rewarding: today,it can take almost a decade to get a doctorate,anD.at the end of your program,you're unlikely to find a tenure-track job.
The core of the problem is,of course,the job market.The M.L.A.report estimates that only sixty per cent of newly-minted Ph.D.s will find tenure-track jobs after graduation.If anything,that's wildly optimistic: the M.L.A.got to that figure by comparing the number of tenure-track jobs on its job list (around six hundred) with the number of new graduates (about a thousand).But that leaves out the thousands of unemployed graduates from past years who are still job-hunting-not to mention the older professors who didn't receive tenure,and who now find themselves competing with their former students.In all likelihooD.the number of jobs per candidate is much smaller than the report suggests.That's why the mood is so dire—why even professors are starting to ask,in the committee's words,"Why maintain doctoral study in the modern languages and literatures-or the rest ofthe humanities-at all?"
Those trends,in turn,are part of an even larger story having to do with the expansion and transformation of American education after the Second World War.Essentially,colleges grew less elite and more vocational.Before the war,relatively few people went to college.Then,in the nineteen-fifties,the G.I.Bill anD.later,the Baby Boom pushed colleges to grow rapidly.When the boom endeD.colleges found themselves overextended and competing for students.By the midseventies,schools were creating new programs designed to attract a broader range of students-for instance,women and minorities.
Those reforms worked: as Nate Silver reported in the Times last summer,about twice as many people attend college per capita now as did forty years ago.But all that expansion changed colleges.In the past,they had catered to elite students who were happy to major in the traditional liberal arts.Now,to attract middle-class students,colleges had to offer more career-focused majors,in fields like business,communications,and health care.As a result,humanities departments have found
themselves drifting away from the center of the university.Today,they are often regarded as a kind of institutional luxury,paid for by dynamiC.cheap,and growing programs in,say,adult-education.These large demographic facts are contributing to today's job-market crisis: they're why,while education as a whole is growing,the humanities aren't.
Given all this,what can an English department do? The M.L.A.report contains a number of suggestions.Pride of place is given to the idea that grad school should be shorter: "Departments should design programs that can be completed in five years." That will probably require changing the dissertation from a draft of an academic book into something shorter and simpler.At the same time,graduate students are encouraged to "broaden" themselves: to "engage more deeply with technology" ; to pursue unusual and imaginative dissertation projects; to work in more than one discipline; to acquire teaching skills aimed at online and community-college students; and to take workshops on subjects,such as project management and grant writing,which might be of value outside of academiA.Graduate programs,the committee suggests,should accept the fact that many of their students will have non-tenureD.or even non-academiC.careers.They should keep track of what happens to their graduates,so that students who decide to leave academia have a non-academic alumni network to draw upon.
According to the author,which of the following is the key reason that leads to today's jobmarket crisis for Ph.D.students?
A. The expansion in college enrollments after the Second World War.
B. The shift of popularity from humanities majors to career-focused ones.
C. The rise in the number of women and minorities in graduate programs.
D. The lack of career-related guidance for college graduated in job-hunting.