1. [单选题]We can conclude from this passage that avalanches________
回答下面的题目Never laugh at a snow covered mountain! Laughter and yelling, during the avalanche season, can cause a deadly pile of snow.Huge snow slides are most common in mountains where there are steep slopes that are well buried in snow and ice.The snow builds up slowly and lands very softly.This can create a very touchy, unstable situation.Tons of snow may be held up by only the friction between snowflakes.The deep snow is like a house of cards.The slightest movement can cause it to fall.As soon as something slips, this great mass of snow will come crashing down the mountainside.Slides may be started by sound vibrations.They may also be started by the weight of wet, melting snow.Once an avalanche has been triggered, the cause no longer matters.Moving down a steep slope, it picks up great speed and added snow.Some avalanches travel as fast as two hundred miles per hour.The force of an avalanche will mow down anything in its path.Whole houses have been swallowed up by these fast-paced piles of snow.The wind that is caused by an avalanche is almost as destructive as the snow itself.Winds from an avalanche have been known to travel as fast as those of a tornado.So, when approaching a thickly snow covered mountain, speak softly!Avalanches can be started by________
A. are common everywhere
B. are not very common
C. have killed people
D. are a thing of the past
2. [单选题]啤酒花的叶()、纸质,卵形或掌形,3~5裂,边缘具粗锯齿。
A. A、向上生
B. B、错位生
C. C、对生
D. D、单生
3. [单选题]混支柱翼缘破损局部露筋()可修补使用。
A. (A)1-2根
B. (B)2-3根
C. (C)3-4根
D. (D)4-5根
4. [单选题]当检修门下落,要提工作门时,必须先开(),以排水。
A. A、长柄阀
B. B、检修阀
C. C、调相浮筒3号阀
D. D、旁通阀
5. [多选题]因债权人的原因,债务人(debtor)难以履行债务的,可以将标的物提存。在提存期间,下列说法正确的有()。
A. 标的物毁损、灭失的风险由债权人承担
B. 标的物的孳息归债权人所有
C. 标的物的提存费用由债权人负担
D. 债务人(debtor)仍负有后合同义务
6. [单选题]小儿烧伤的特点不包括()
A. 单位体表面积血容量大,不易发生休克
B. 热液烫伤最多见
C. 神经系统尚未成熟,容易发生惊厥
D. 免疫系统发育不完善(imperfect),容易发生感染
E. 胃肠功能差,容易发生营养不良
7. [单选题]下列现象中()是发现溢流的一个可靠信号。
A. A、钻井液池液面升高
B. B、悬重发生变化
C. C、泵压下降
D. D、地层压力增大
8. [单选题]下列哪项不属于PTP端口工作方式选择:()
A. A、人工方式;
B. B、SSM协议方式;
C. C、自动选择方式;
D. D、1588最优主时钟;BMC