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    水压试验(hydrostatic test)、柴油机动力装置(diesel power plant)、不允许(not allow)

  • [单选题]轴承密封装置防蚀衬套进行水压试验时()。

  • A. 允许渗漏
    B. 不允许渗漏
    C. 允许微渗
    D. 不允许任何渗漏

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]水平装货的船舶,对机舱高度有一定要求,一般采用()柴油机动力装置。
  • A. 低速机
    B. 中速机
    C. 高速机
    D. Z形传动

  • [单选题]转舵不准,舵角不正可能是()。
  • A. 舵杆折断
    B. 舵叶进水
    C. 舵杆变形
    D. 舵承间隙过小

  • [单选题]The viscosity regulator controls the () of the fuel oil in order to provide the oil at the correct viscosity for combustion.
  • A. temperature
    B. pumping rate
    C. pressure
    D. heat

  • [单选题]Waterside scale in a fire-tube boiler may cause ().
  • A. increased heat transfer
    B. fireside erosion
    C. high steam demand
    D. overheated tube

  • [单选题]Any increase in the exhaust back pressure of a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine will ().
  • A. reduce engine horsepower output
    B. aid in silencing the exhaust noise
    C. increase the mean effective pressure
    D. contribute to effective cylinder scavenging

  • [单选题]Please supply my vessel()120 tons of diesel oil.
  • A. for
    B. with
    C. to
    D. o

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/ze66qg.html
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