
辩证法所要求回答的是(  )

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    动作电位(action potential)、神经纤维(nerve fibers)、基本功能(basic function)、正常人(normal)、生活富裕(be well off)、第一个(first)、第三等级(third tier)、肠系膜下节(inferior mesenteric ganglion)、肠系膜上(superior mesenteric)、如果说(if we say that)

  • [单选题]辩证法所要求回答的是(  )

  • A. 世界的本原是什么的问题
    B. 世界的本质是什么的问题
    C. 世界的状况怎么样的问题
    D. 世界是否可知的问题一

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  • [单选题]She hardly ever goes to ________ the theater.
  • A. neither
    B. neither the cinema nor
    C. either the cinema
    D. the cinema or

  • [单选题]回答{TSE}题Human needs seem endless.They might be regarded as making up several levels.When there is enough money to satisfy one level of needs, another level appears.The first and most basic level of needs involves food.Once this level is satisfied, the second level of needs, clothing and some sort of shelter, appears.By the end of World War Ⅱ , these needs were satisfied for a great majority of Americans.Then a third level appeared.It included such items as automobiles and new houses.By 1957 or 1958 this third level of needs was fairly well satisfied.Then, in the late 1950s, a fourth level of needs appeared: the "life-enriching level.While the other levels involve physical satisfaction, that is, the feeding, comfort, safety, and transportation, this level stresses mental needs for recognition, achievement, and happiness.It includes a variety of goods and services.Among them are vacation trips, the best medical and dental care, and recreation.Also included here are fancy goods and the latest styles in clothing.On the fourth level, a lot of money is spent on services, while on the first three levels more isspent on goods.A fifth level would probably involve needs that can be achieved best by community action.Consumers may be spending more on taxes to pay for government action against disease, ignorance, crime, and prejudice.After filling our stomachs, our clothes closets, our garages, our teeth, and our minds, we now may seek to ensure the health, safety, and leisure to enjoy more fully the good things on the first four levels.{TS}According to the passage, man will begin to think about such needs as housing and clothing only when________
  • A. he has saved up enough money
    B. he has grown dissatisfied with his simple shelter
    C. he has satisfied his hunger
    D. he has learned to build houses

  • [单选题]函数y=x2-1和y=1-x2的图像关于(  ) (A)坐标原点对称 (B)x轴对称 (C)y轴对称 (D)直线茗+Y=0对称
  • A. B

  • [多选题]交感神经节包括 (  )
  • A. 睫状神经节
    B. 肠系膜上(superior mesenteric)
    C. 腹腔神经节
    D. 肠系膜下节(inferior mesenteric ganglion)
    E. 器官旁节

  • [单选题]关于化学性突触传递,下列错误的是(  )
  • A. 双向传递
    B. 突触延搁
    C. 总和
    D. 对内环境变化敏感
    E. 易疲劳

  • [单选题]对神经纤维的叙述,错误的是(  )
  • A. 神经纤维为神经元的突起部分,即通常所讲的轴突
    B. 神经纤维的基本功能是传导神经冲动,它接受其他神经元传来的冲动,将冲动传向胞体
    C. 在实验条件下,刺激神经纤维的任何一点,产生的动作电位可同时向纤维的两端传导
    D. 神经干中的许多神经纤维在传导神经冲动时,互相不会发生干扰
    E. 用适宜强度的电流连续刺激实验中的神经纤维,几个小时后会出现传导阻断

  • [单选题]正常人的红细胞放入血沉快的人的血浆中,血沉将会(  )
  • A. 不变
    B. 增快
    C. 减慢
    D. 先增快后减慢
    E. 先减慢后增快

  • [单选题]在抗凝血酶中,最重要的是(  )
  • A. 抗凝血酶Ⅰ
    B. 抗凝血酶Ⅱ
    C. 抗凝血酶Ⅲ
    D. 抗凝血酶Ⅳ
    E. 抗凝血酶ⅡⅤ

  • [单选题]第一心音到第二心音期间代表(  )
  • A. 心室舒张期
    B. 心室收缩期
    C. 心房收缩期
    D. 心房舒张期
    E. 等容收缩期

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