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    螺旋桨(propeller)、机械设备(mechanical equipment)、饱和度(saturation)、船舶动力装置(marine power plant)

  • [单选题]下述关于机舱饱和度ks和kv的说明,哪一项是错误的()。

  • A. ks和kv大表示机舱内机械设备布置得紧凑,利用程度高
    B. ks和kv小表示机舱利用程度差
    C. ks和kv小时,机舱的通风、散热差,管理维修不方便
    D. 应保证动力装置正常工作和维修条件下,选取较大的ks和kv值

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]船舶动力装置(marine power plant)的主要耗能设备是()。Ⅰ.螺旋桨;Ⅱ.主机、发电机和辅助锅炉;Ⅲ.空气压缩机
  • A. 仅Ⅰ对
    B. 仅Ⅱ对
    C. Ⅰ+Ⅱ
    D. Ⅰ+Ⅲ

  • [单选题]废气锅炉出口排烟温度t2不应低于露点,为了最大限度利用排气余热,在标定工况下,t2=露点+△t(℃),式中△t不应小于()℃.
  • A. 25
    B. 30
    C. 40
    D. 50

  • [单选题]() is used for washing and drinking.
  • A. The ballast system
    B. The salt water system
    C. The bilge system
    D. The domestic system

  • [单选题]A separate piston cooling system is used to limit any contamination () piston cooling glands() the piston cooling system only.
  • A. between;to
    B. either;or
    C. from;to
    D. neither;nor

  • [单选题]The external circumference of a pair of main bearing shells is slightly larger than that of the bore of the housing which receives themThe difference is termed ().
  • A. nip
    B. nap
    C. gap
    D. li

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/z5oov5.html
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