

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-04-17     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]下列诗歌属于绝句的是

A. 陶渊明《饮酒》(其五)
B. 李白《行路难》(其一)
C. 王维《山居秋暝》
D. 杜牧《泊秦淮》

2. [单选题]_________

根据以下内容,回答下面的题目。Insure means to protect _51_ a loss of money.Most people can budget their money so that their income will cover expected expenses _52_ food, clothing, housing, and public services.But, there is no way to know _53_ who will suffer a crisis (危机) such as a serious illness, fire, flood, or a car accident.Such crises usually _54_ great expense.Even if people could predict crises, it would be hard to save enough money to _55_ the expenses.Insurance is a system _56_ a company collects money from many individuals and then pays certain expenses whenever one of those insured individuals is faced with a certain crisis.An insurance policy _57_ how much the insurance costs and how much the company will pay when a policy holder is faced with a certain crisis.There are many different kinds of insurance, _58_ hospital, motor-car and fire.Insurance can be rather expensive but most people buy insurance of some kinD.Insurance is something _59_ people buy and hope they will _60_ need._________

A. result from
B. make
C. take
D. result in

3. [单选题]__________

根据以下内容,回答下面的题目。The death of a child, _51_ one’s own child,is something the mind can hardly comprehend.It seems togo _52_ nature.The end of a life that is still forming_53_ has just begun is an almost unthinkable cruelty.But it happens.Parents sometimes must witness the illness and death of the children_54_ whom they gave birth.And _55_ will ever fill theempty place that the dead child leaves behind.Parents_56_ to die before their children, which is the natural order of life events.When the situation is reversed and a child dies _57_ the parents itseems wrong.Yet we never know why one person dies andanother lives.But we do know _58_ a child is gone, theparents still have a future, as grey and worthless as it may at first seem.Death may take the child, but the love never _59_.The sorrow after a child’s death is one ofthe longest and hardest type of _60_ to live with.And ittakes long to deal with the parents’ own emotions.__________

A. at
B. with
C. to
D. for

4. [单选题]

5. [单选题]阅读下面的现代文,完成{TSE}题:随着计算机和网络技术的发展,特别是加密技术的进步,开始出现了电子现金这一新的货币形式。电子现金是一种通过电子方式进行银行署名的数字信息。 它和信用卡不一样,信用卡本身并不是货币,而是一种转账手段,电子辊金本身就是一种货币,可以直接用来购物。但它又和金币、纸币不一样,黾没有物理实体的货币,需要通过数据的交换实现现金的功能。 电子现金是一种数字信息,它和纸币一样,本身没有价值所以有被伪连的危险。为此要使用电子签名等加密技术。从技术上说,电子签名比纸币 上使用的水印更难伪造。但电子现金和其他数字信息一样容易复制。因此,需要防止电子 现金持有者将其复制。然后向多家店铺支付。另外,电子现金的匿名性会给来路不明的钱财提供辩洗钱的方便,这点需要防范。 电子现金蕴藏着创造巨大的数字商品市场的可能性,所谓烫字商品就是在交易中不用真的商品在场,只把有关商品的信息列出供选购,到提货时二一取出真正的商品。在数字商品市场中,靠电子现金和数字商品间的信息交换完成交易无论生产地和消费地相距多远,都可以一样进行交易,交易所花的费用几乎为零,所以今后一样将得到巨大的发展。{TS}对“电子现金”的解说,正确的一项是( )

A. 电子现金,是一种可以直接用来购物的数字信息。
B. 电子现金,是有银行署名,以转账方式实现的货币。
C. 电子现金,是一种不具备物理属性的货币形态。
D. 电子现金,是与金币、纸币形态不同的数字信息。

6. [单选题]下列句子中,加点的词语使用最恰当的一项是 ( )

A. 一段时间以来,有些历史题材的影视作品,把历史当作一一个任人装扮的小姑娘,涂脂抹粉,翻云覆雨,弄得面目全非。
B. 有些人外语讲不好怕人笑话,而讲普通话时南腔北调,词不达意,却不以为然。
C. 老人用那幸福的笑容和感激的泪水,向我们无言地诠释着十八年风雨不能泯灭的人间真情。
D. 电视剧《父子深情》通过曲折的情节、感人的画面,讲述了一对反目成仇的父子破镜重圆的故事。

7. [多选题]视近物时眼的调节包括(  )

A. 晶状体变凸
B. 瞳孔缩小
C. 视轴会聚
D. 睫状肌收缩
E. 悬韧带松驰

8. [多选题]颈动脉窦压力感受器(carotid sinus baroreceptor)敏感的人,适当压迫后可以出现(  )

A. 心交感神经传出冲动减少
B. 血压下降
C. 心率减慢
D. 心迷走中枢紧张性增加
E. 窦神经的传入冲动增加

9. [单选题]肺泡表面活性物质减少将导致(  )

A. 肺弹性阻力减小
B. 肺顺应性增大
C. 肺泡表面张力降低
D. 肺难于扩张
E. 小肺泡内压小于大肺泡内压

10. [单选题]右心衰竭时所引起的组织水肿,其主要原因是(  )

A. 毛细血管压升高
B. 淋巴回流受阻
C. 血浆胶体渗透压(colloidal osmotic pressure)降低
D. 组织液静水压降低
E. 组织液胶体渗透压升高

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