车前子(plantain seed)、冬虫夏草(aweto)、益智仁(yizhiren)、女贞子(ligustrum lucidum)、滋补肝肾(nourishing liver and kidney)、肝肾阴虚(liver-kidney yin deficiency)、莱菔子(radish seed)、菟丝子(dodder)、生津止渴(encouraging production of body fluids t ...)、头晕目眩(light headedness)
A. 大补元气,补脾益肺,生津止渴(encouraging production of body fluids t),安神益智
B. 大补元气,补脾益肺,生津止渴(encouraging production of body fluids t),养血益阴
C. 大补元气,补脾益肺,生津止渴(encouraging production of body fluids t),止汗安胎
D. 大补元气,补脾益肺,生津止渴(encouraging production of body fluids t),托毒生肌
E. 大补元气,补脾益肺,生津止渴(encouraging production of body fluids t),润肺止咳