1. [多选题]腹泻婴幼儿,因频繁大便刺激肛门周围,臀部皮肤护理重点时注意()
A. 便后用温水清洗,勤换尿布
B. 口服糖盐水
C. 臀部可涂点护臀油膏
D. 服用止泻药
2. [单选题]用Windows画图软件读入一个16色bmp位图文件(bitmap file),未经任何处理,然后以256色bmp位图模式存盘,则()。
A. 像素的个数会增加
B. 像素的个数会减少
C. 图像的颜色数会增加
D. 图像文件的存储空间会增大
3. [单选题]血友病()
A. APTT正常、PT正常、BT延长、PLT正常
B. APTT正常、PT正常、BT延长、PLT减少
C. APTT延长、PT正常、BT正常、PLT正常
D. APTT正常、PT延长、BT延长、PLT正常
E. APTT延长、PT延长、BT延长、PLT正常
4. [多选题]“法轮功”邪教组织具有反动的政治本质,主要表现在()。
A. 敌视中国共产党和中国政府,妄图夺取政权
B. 背叛祖国和人民
C. 甘为西方反华势力和各种敌对势力(hostile forces)的马前卒
D. 不断地进行各种捣乱破坏活动,破坏政治稳定
5. [多选题]握手礼仪的标准是()。
A. A.握手的姿势强调“五到”,即:身到、笑到、手到、眼到、问候到。
B. B.握手时双方上身微微前倾,面带微笑,右手相握。
C. C.伸手先后顺序是下级在先、客人在先、女性在先。
D. D.握手时间一般在2、3秒或4、5秒之间为宜。
E. E.握手力度足够大。
6. [单选题]女,63岁,突然出现剧烈头痛6小时,伴呕吐无发热,无高血压病史,右侧瞳孔对光反射消失,上眼睑下垂,眼球向上、下及内侧运动受限,颈项强直,克氏征阳性。CT示右大脑外侧裂,枕大池呈高密度影。
A. D
7. [单选题]Ravi, like many project (1) , had studied the waterfall model of software development as the primary software life-cycle (2) . He has all set to use it for an upcoming project, his first assignment. However, Ravi found that the waterfall model could not be used because the customer wanted the software delivered in stages, something that implied that the system had to be delivered and built in (3) and not as (4) . The situation in many other projects is not very different. The real world rarely presents a problem in which a standard process, or the process used in a previous project, is the best choice. To be the most situation, an existing process must be (5) to the new problem. A development process, even after tailoring, generally cannot handle change requests. To accommodate change requests without losing control of the project, you must supplement the development process with a requirement change management process.
A. D