

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-08-03     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]Who are the first to make the success of sit-in become true?

回答下面的题目 American Blacks experienced a revolution after 1945, a revolution in expectations. Following World War Ⅱ , the steady movement toward first-class citizenship for Black people quickened, with significant actions taking place in courts of law, in voting booths, in restaurants and in the streets of the nation. A decade of intense civil rights activity was launched in 1954 when the United States Supreme Court declared segregated schools to be unconstitutional. In 1955, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. , effectively organized the Blacks of Atlanta, Georgia, in a bus boycott. The boycott lasted two years, and when it was over, Blacks no longer were degraded by being forced to sit or stand in the rear of buses. In 1960, a group of Black college students decided that they, as well as white persons, had the right to eat at a lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina. This sit-in sparked an aggressive national movement and, in the next few years, thousands of young men and women--Black and White, North and South--overturned local laws and customs that had maintained segregation. Sit-ins, pray-ins, freedom rides, freedom marches and demonstrations to open all schools to Black children took place across the nation.Several important actions took place to change the status of black people

A. Black college students and whites.
B. First-class citizens.
C. The Blacks of Atlanta.
D. Young men and women in Greensboro.

2. [多选题]下列只能开立人民币帐户的有().

A. A、零存整取(installment savings)
B. B、教育储蓄
C. C、整存零取
D. D、存本取息
E. E、活期储蓄(deposit liquid savings)

3. [单选题]要适应不同尺寸的钻柱,就要改变安全卡瓦的()。

A. 类型
B. 节数
C. 材质
D. 数量

4. [单选题]抵押贷款定期寿险的身故保险责任通常属于()。

A. 递增型
B. 递减型
C. 变额型
D. 平准型

5. [单选题]共有多少个通气油箱?()

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

6. [单选题]监测妊娠状况的实验室检查常用的标本包括()

A. 血液、尿液
B. 血液、羊水
C. 尿液、羊水
D. 血液、尿液和羊水
E. 血液、尿液、羊水和血细胞

7. [单选题]在支付赔款后,根据法律及有关规定(related regulations),()享有对卫星残值的绝对权利。

A. 保险人
B. 卫星发射中心
C. 保险公估人
D. 投保人

8. [单选题]肾小球肾炎尿蛋白主要是()

A. 白蛋白
B. 免疫球蛋白H链
C. T-H糖蛋白
D. β2-M
E. 球蛋白

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