正确处理(correctly handling)、不良情绪(unhealthy emotion)、完形填空(cloze test)、社会成员(social members)、知错就改、结合起来、代表人物(representative)、活动中心(activity center)、教育与生产劳动相结合(combination of education with productiv
A. 把学生所引起的不良情绪统统向其家长发泄
B. 如果对学生教育后,他能知错就改,就可以不请家长了
C. 如果学生犯小错,即使错误不断也没必要叫家长
D. 对于表现恶劣的学生,要经常叫"请请请"予以震慑
[单选题]由"高薪未必养廉"这句话我们可以推出( )。
A. 低薪同样养廉
B. 养廉必定高薪
C. 高薪难以养廉
D. 低薪肯定养廉
[单选题]提出"教育即生活"、"学校即社会"的教育家是谁( )。
A. 裴斯泰洛奇
B. 涂尔干
C. 杜威
D. 加里宁
[多选题]在教育目的的价值取向上,人们通常认为持个人本位论的学者有( )。
A. 涂尔干
B. 卢梭
C. 裴斯泰洛齐
D. 福禄贝尔
[单选题]What can cloze help to train in terms of writing?
A. Unity of texts.
B. Indention of texts.
C. Compilation of texts.
D. Use of cohesive devices.
[单选题]Teaching pronunciation is not teaching isolated speech sounds. All aspects including phonemes, phonetic symbols, words, sentences, meanings, and usages should be included. This reflects ________ principle of teaching pronunciation.
A. comprehensiveness
B. long-term development
C. accuracy
D. pertinence
[单选题]To achieve fiuency,when should correction be conducted?
A. After class.
B. The moment error occurs.
C. At the summary stage of the activity.
D. During the course of the communication.