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  • 【名词&注释】

    动力装置(power plant)、三角形(triangle)、气缸套(cylinder liner)、符合要求(meet the requirement)

  • [单选题]当轴系同轴度测量值总偏移和总曲折落入标准值δ总max-φ总max三角形内时,表明轴系的()符合要求(meet the requirement)

  • A. 扭曲度
    B. 弯曲度
    C. 偏差度
    D. 同轴度

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]动力装置长期在部分负荷下工作,废热锅炉排烟温度t2过低,对废热利用设备的维护管理是()。
  • A. 有利的
    B. 合理的
    C. 必须的
    D. 不利的

  • [单选题]当气缸套工作表面有轻微的拉痕或磨痕时,应使用()进行打磨予以消除。
  • A. 锉刀
    B. 刮刀
    C. 油石
    D. 扁铲

  • [单选题]Increased air () will raise scavenge efficiency and allow a greater mass of air to be compressed; more fuel may now be burned giving an increased power.
  • A. specific volume
    B. density
    C. viscosity
    D. calorific value

  • [单选题]The exhaust gases for a new engine should be () when the engine operates under full load.
  • A. smoky
    B. a little bit dense
    C. visible
    D. almost invisible

  • [单选题]The mechanical efficiency of an engine () because losses occur in the form of friction.
  • A. is always less than 100%
    B. is always more than 100%
    C. is always equal to 90%
    D. is always less than 90%

  • [单选题]Which of the following may take place if the clearance of the main bearings are excessive?()
  • A. bearing knocks
    B. dropping of pressure of LO
    C. noises
    D. all the above

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/y7w7po.html
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