

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-05-31     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]根据定义,船舶实际平均吃水比其型平均吃水大()。

A. A.平板龙骨厚度
B. B.船壳板厚度
C. C.干舷甲板厚度
D. D.间舱甲板厚度

2. [单选题]某轮到港时排水量Δ=15000t,dM=8.15m,TPC=25t/cm。现在港卸货1000t后又加载500t,之后由标准海水区域进入水密度为1.006g/cm3的区域,其吃水为()m。

A. A.7.66
B. B.7.86
C. C.8.06
D. D.8.26

3. [单选题]For a floating vessel,the center of flotation is the point in the waterplane().

A. about which the vessel lists and trims
B. which coincides with the center of buoyancy
C. which,in the absence of external forces,is always vertically aligned with the center of gravity
D. which is shown in the hydrostatic tables as VCB

4. [单选题]Vessel shall possess()valid for duration of charter Party showing winches and derricks in order.

A. International Cargo Gear Certificate
B. International Loadline Certificate
C. International Safety Construction Certificate
D. International Seaman Identificatio

5. [单选题]What DOCS SALT WATER DRAFT means?().

A. It means summer draft
B. It means Maximum draft
C. It means Fresh Water draft
D. It means Seawater Draft

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