必典考网发布"()is the disadvantage for air transportation?"考试试题下载及答案,更多物流英语综合练习题库的考试试题下载及答案考试题库请访问必典考网物流员(四级)题库频道。
[单选题]()is the disadvantage for air transportation?
A. Quick but not safe
B. Less frequency
C. It can’t lift heavy goods
D. the highest cost in all transport modes
[单选题]The supply chain activities encompass all associated with the flow and transaction of goods, the flow of information from the raw materials supplier to the end user, as well as the reverse flow of materials and in formation in the()
A. Distribution process
B. Supply chain
C. Enterprise
D. International community
[单选题]Since rail network is not as extensive as highway network in most countries and its limitation to fixed track facilities, as a result, railroads provide () service.
A. Door to door
B. Door to cy
C. Door to cfs
D. Terminal to terminal
[单选题]How many product-related factors are there to influence the transport cost? ()
A. Four
B. Three
C. Two
D. Five
[单选题]The large market share of transportation in China is ()transport.
A. air
B. rail
C. truck
D. pipeline
[单选题]()performs 2 basic functions: marketing and logistics.
A. paper wrapping
B. Packaging
C. warehouse
D. transportation
[单选题]What kind of products do the air carriers deliver? ()
A. The high value
B. Low density or weight
C. A and B
D. Shortest time to transport
[单选题]What is BPR?()
A. Business production relation
B. Business promotion relation
C. Business process reengineering
D. Business placement ratio
[单选题]()is the motor carrier service between the different cities domestically.
A. point to point truck
B. city to city truck
C. Domestic intercity trucking
D. Domestic transportation