
In need of money,Bob had to take _______ job that was offe

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    胆红素(bilirubin)、重吸收(reabsorption)、碱中毒(alkalosis)、肾小管分泌(tubular excretion)、竞争性抑制(competitive inhibition)、存在着(there are)

  • [单选题]In need of money,Bob had to take _______ job that was offered to him.

  • A. whatever
    B. no matter what
    C. whichever
    D. no matter which

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  • [单选题]__________
  • 根据以下内容,回答下面的题目。The death of a child, _51_ one’s own child,is something the mind can hardly comprehend.It seems togo _52_ nature.The end of a life that is still forming_53_ has just begun is an almost unthinkable cruelty.But it happens.Parents sometimes must witness the illness and death of the children_54_ whom they gave birth.And _55_ will ever fill theempty place that the dead child leaves behind.Parents_56_ to die before their children, which is the natural order of life events.When the situation is reversed and a child dies _57_ the parents itseems wrong.Yet we never know why one person dies andanother lives.But we do know _58_ a child is gone, theparents still have a future, as grey and worthless as it may at first seem.Death may take the child, but the love never _59_.The sorrow after a child’s death is one ofthe longest and hardest type of _60_ to live with.And ittakes long to deal with the parents’ own emotions.__________

  • A. at
    B. with
    C. to
    D. for

  • [单选题]下列关于臂丛的叙述,正确的是(  )
  • A. 臂丛与锁骨下动脉一起通过斜角肌间隙
    B. 臂丛与锁骨下静脉一起通过斜角肌间隙
    C. 臂丛与锁骨下动、静脉一起通过斜角肌间隙
    D. 臂丛麻醉只可在腋窝处进行
    E. 以上都不正确

  • [单选题]阻塞枉黄疸时,尿液检查结果为(  )
  • A. 尿胆原减低,胆红素阳性
    B. 尿胆原增高,胆红素阳性
    C. 尿胆原减低,胆红素阴性
    D. 尿胆原增高,胆红素阴性
    E. 尿胆原正常,胆红素阳性

  • [单选题]关于肾小管分泌K+的叙述下列哪项是错误的(  )
  • A. 在近曲小管被重吸收,在远曲小管被分泌
    B. K+的分泌是通过Na+一K+交换形式实现的
    C. Na+一K+与Na+一H+交换两者存在着(there are)竞争性抑制(competitive inhibition)
    D. 碱中毒时Na+一H+交换降低,Na+一K+交换增加
    E. 碱中毒时往往出现血K+升高

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