威灵仙(clematis root)、雷公藤(tripterygiumforrestii)、降血压(lowering blood pressure)、香加皮、桑寄生(loranthus parasiticus)、乌梢蛇(black-snake)、豨莶草、祛风除湿(dispelling wind and eliminating dampnes
...)、鹿衔草(pyrola)、强筋骨(strengthen muscles and bones)
A. E
A. 祛风湿,强筋骨(strengthen muscles and bones),利水消肿
B. 祛风湿,通经络,降血压
C. 祛风湿,活血通络,解毒
D. 祛风湿,强筋骨(strengthen muscles and bones)、安胎
E. 祛风除湿(dispelling wind and eliminating dampnes),定惊止痉
A. 祛风湿
B. 补肺止咳
C. 强筋骨(strengthen muscles and bones)
D. 通经下乳
E. 调经止血
A. 祛风,通络,利水
B. 祛风,通络,止带
C. 祛风,通络,止泻
D. 祛风,通络,止痉
E. 祛风,通络,止血
A. 通筋络,强筋骨(strengthen muscles and bones)
B. 强筋骨(strengthen muscles and bones),利水
C. 和胃化浊
D. 补肝肾,强筋骨(strengthen muscles and bones),安胎
E. 通络止痛,消骨鲠
A. 祛风止痛,清退虚热
B. 祛风通络,清热燥湿
C. 祛风通络,杀虫止痒
D. 祛风通络,补益肝肾
E. 舒筋活络,和胃化湿
A. E