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    往复式(reciprocating)、增压器(turbocharger)、蒸汽动力装置(steam power plant)、喷油泵(fuel injection pump)、小汽轮机(small turbine)、蒸汽机(steam engine)、四冲程柴油机(four-stroke diesel engine)

  • [单选题]在检查和调整主机回油阀调节式喷油泵的供油量均匀性时,对始终点调节式喷油泵,可通过转动进回油阀阀杆下的调节螺钉改变顶杆长度,从而调节柱塞的有效行程。当进油阀的顶杆伸长时,柱塞的有效行程(),回油阀的顶杆伸长时,柱塞的有效行程()。

  • A. 变大/变小
    B. 变大/变大
    C. 变小/变大
    D. 变小/变小

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  • [单选题]最早用于海船上的蒸汽动力装置是()。
  • A. 汽轮机
    B. 往复式蒸汽机(steam engine)
    C. 往复式与透平联合装置
    D. A+C

  • [单选题]四冲程柴油机(four-stroke diesel engine)停增压器运转产生的主要问题是()。
  • A. 无法换气
    B. 排气倒流
    C. 振动强烈
    D. 喘振

  • [单选题]A lubricant often has to perform many duties in any situation, in addition to its fundamental job of ().
  • A. resisting oxidization
    B. reducing friction
    C. promoting moving speed
    D. developing inertia

  • [单选题]A variable pitch propeller is made () a boss with separate blades mounted into it.
  • A. of
    B. up of
    C. from
    D. out

  • [单选题]As for a diesel engine, lack of combustion air may be due to ().
  • A. fouling turbine
    B. fuel pump faults
    C. lubrication failure
    D. excessive cooling

  • [单选题]Due to () action of pistons some relative motion between parts in contact in the coolant supply and return system must occur.
  • A. reciprocating
    B. rotating
    C. running
    D. removing

  • [单选题]The () or balance tank collects the re-circulated fuel oil.
  • A. buffer
    B. sump
    C. bilge
    D. overflowing

  • [单选题]The rising of the exhaust temperature in manifold pipe may NOT result from ().
  • A. too great a loading
    B. fouled turbocharger
    C. bad combustion
    D. excessive air

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/x6gggx.html
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