《四世同堂》(the yellow storm)、《资治通鉴》(general appraisements taking as managem
...)、严格要求(strict demands)、《孙子兵法》(the art of war)、《龙须沟》、建设者和接班人(builders and successors)、社会主义事业建设者(builders of socialist cause)、"一分为二"、提高民族素质(enhance national quality)、《中华人民共和国教师法》
[单选题]甲.乙、丙在北京、南京和成都工作,他们的职业是医生、演员和教师。已知:甲不在北京工作,乙不在南京工作;在北京工作的不是教师;在南京工作的是医生;乙不是演员。那么,甲、乙、丙分别在哪里工作( )。
A. 南京、成都和北京
B. 成都、北京和南京
C. 北京、成都和南京
D. 成都、南京和北京
[单选题]某校经常组织同一学科教师相互观摩教学,课后针对教学过程展开研讨,提出完善教学的建议。这种做法体现的教师专业发展途径是( )。
A. 进修培训
B. 同伴互助
C. 师徒结对
D. 自我研修
[单选题]提出教师是专门的教学工作人员,是下列哪一部( )。
A. 《教师资格条例》
B. 《中华人民共和国教育法》
C. 《教师资格实施办法》
D. 《中华人民共和国教师法》
[单选题]下列选项中,作品与评价对应不正确的是( )。
A. 《三国演义》--文不甚深,言不甚俗
B. 《资治通鉴》--帝王的镜子
C. 《太公兵法》--不朽的战争艺术
D. 《骆驼祥子》--旧时代的葬歌
[单选题]教育的基本着眼点是( )。
A. 传授知识
B. 发展智力
C. 人的发展
D. 社会发展
[单选题]张某是高中一年级学生,经常在上课的时候根据班里的其他同学的性格特征画人物漫画。班主任发现后,并没有严厉批评他,而是充分肯定了他的绘画天赋,并且让他担任宣传委员,具体负责黑板报和"课外园地"的设计工作。在班主任和全班同学的鼓励下,张某不仅发挥了自己的才能,出色地完成了任务,克服了上课不认真听讲的毛病,后来还如愿考上了中央美术学院。在对待张某上课画漫画这件事上,班主任遵循的主要德育原则是( )。
A. 疏导原则
B. 教育影响一致性与连贯性原则
C. 长善救失原则
D. 严格要求与尊重学生相结合原则
[单选题]Passage 1
In recent years, however, society has cometo understand the limitations of schoolsthat merely sort and rank students. We have discovered that students in the bottomone-third to one-half of the rank order-plus all who drop out before being ranked--fail to develop the foundational reading,writing, and mathematical proficiencies needed to survivein, let alone contribute to, an increasingly technically complex and ethnically diverse culture. So today, in asking schools toleave no child behind, society is asking that educators raise up the bottom of therank-order distribution to a specified level of competence. We call those expectations our academic achievement standards Every statehas them, and, as a matter of public policy,schools are to be held accountable for lakingsure that all students meet them.
To be clear, the mission of sorting has not been eliminated from the schooling process.For the foreseeable future, students will still be ranked at the end of high school. However,society now dictates that such a celebration of differences in amount learned must start at a certain minimum level of achievement for all.
The implications of this change in missionfor the role of assessment are profound.
Assessment and grading procedures designecto permit only a few students to succeed(those at the top of the rank-order distribution)must now be revised to permit the possibilitythat all students could succeed at some appropriate level. Furthermore, proceduresthat permitted(perhaps even encouraged)some students to give up in hopelessness andto stop trying must now be replaced by othersthat promote hope and continuous effort.In short, the entire emotional environment surrounding the prospect of being evaluated must change, especially for perennial low achievers.
The students' mission is no longer merelyto beat other students in the achievementrace. At least part of their goal must be to become competent. Teachers must believethat all students can achieve a certain levelof academic success, must bring all of theirstudents to believe this of themselves, must accommodate the fact that students learn at different rates by making use of differentiat edinstruction, and must guide all studentstoward the attainment of standards.The driving dynamic force for students cannot merely be competition for an artificialscarcity of success. Because all students can and must succeed in meeting standards,cooperation and collaboration must come intoplay.
The driving forces must be confidence,optimism, and persistence--for all, not justfor some. All students must come to believethat they can succeed at learning if theytry. They must have continuous access to evidence of what they believe to be credible academic success, however small. This new understanding has spawned increased interest in formative assessment in recent years.
Which is meant by the author about the emotional promise of assessment forstudents?
A. To reach a minimum level of achievement
B. To build up their confidence insuccess
C. To enable them to compete withothers
D. To help them realize their goals