血流量(blood flow)、左心室(left ventricular)、麻醉机(anesthesia machine)、右心室(right ventricle)
A. 正中神经
B. 肱动脉
C. 桡神经
D. 肌皮神经
E. 尺神经
[单选题]Which is true on the subarachnoid space in the vertebral canal
A. lies between dura matter and arachnoid
B. up to subarachnoid space in the skull by the foramen magnum
C. down the the height of the fifth sacral vertebral
D. terminal cistern is formed by the space below the second sacral vertebral
E. the fluid in it can communicate with that in the center canal of spinal cord directly
A. 心率减慢则冠状血流增加
B. 血流量约为心排出量的5%
C. 运动时血流量随心排出量的增加而减少
D. 收缩期和舒张期冠脉血液都可进入右心室(right ventricle)
E. 收缩期左心室冠状血流中断
[单选题]气管内插管后麻醉机环路内压力过低,首先考虑的原因( )。
A. 发生张力性气胸
B. 气源压力不足
C. 气道梗阻
D. 导管打折
E. 患者咳嗽或用力