临床表现(clinical manifestation)、头孢菌素(cephalosporin)、静脉注射(intravenous injection)、头孢他啶(ceftazidime)、血液循环(blood circulation)、呼吸困难(dyspnea)、肺气肿(emphysema)、低浓度(low concentration)、大汗淋漓、气雾剂吸入(aerosols inhalation)
A. 首选青霉素
B. 首选头孢他啶
C. 应用抗生素直到体温正常后3d
D. 青霉素过敏可改选第一代头孢菌素
E. 注意休息,补充营养
A. 喉、肠结核
B. 脓气胸
C. 肺心病
D. 脑膜结核
E. 支气管扩张症
A. 山莨菪碱(654-2)静脉注射
B. 补液+糖皮质激素+氨茶碱
C. 沙丁胺醇气雾剂吸入(aerosols inhalation)+溴化异丙托品吸入
D. 色甘酸钠吸入+糖皮质激素
E. 补液+氨茶碱
A. 咳嗽
B. 咯血
C. 胸痛
D. 呼吸困难
E. 发热
[单选题]A 68=year-old man,with chronic cough and sputum production for 17 years,had felt a progressive dyspnea slnce 3 years. His chest X-ray film showed overinflation of lungs and descended diaphragms. The peripheral vasculature of the lungs was diminished. Which dis-ease the patient suffered from most possibly()
A. Pulmonaryemphysema
B. Chronicpulmonaryheartdisease
C. Pulmonaryarterialhypertension
D. Asthma
E. Bronchoectasis
A. B