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  • 【名词&注释】


  • [单选题]船轴腐蚀主要发生在()。

  • A. 推力轴
    B. 中间轴
    C. 艉轴
    D. 曲轴

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]An overspeed safety device is usually fitted to a generator engine for () in the event of overspeed.
  • A. cutting power off the engine
    B. increasing the fuel pump setting
    C. braking the crankshaft
    D. stabilizing the ship speed

  • [单选题]Be sure to make the engine turn by () before starting and after stopping .
  • A. steering gear
    B. turning gear
    C. steering wheel
    D. turning cycle

  • [单选题]In a complete oil/water separator, more oil will separate out onto the underside of these plates and travel outwards until it is free to rise into the oil collecting space Whats the meaning of "it" in the sentence above?()
  • A. a separator
    B. oil
    C. water
    D. an oil collecting space

  • [单选题]It is very important that each cylinder should be () scavenged before the charged air is compressed.
  • A. well
    B. good
    C. excellent
    D. respectively

  • [单选题]Lube oil pumps taking suction from the sump of most small marine engines are usually ().
  • A. of the diaphragm type
    B. of the centrifugal type
    C. of the positive displacement type
    D. independently driven by electric motor

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/x3ln54.html
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