
To compete in today's fast-paced competitive environment, or

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    网络资源(network resources)、合作伙伴(partner)、系统安全(system security)、行政机关(administrative organ)、执法人员(law enforcement officials)、拒绝服务攻击(denial of service)、船舶所有人(shipowner)、《海商法》、保险费用(insurance charge)、的复杂性

  • [单选题]To compete in today's fast-paced competitive environment, organizations are increasingly allowing contractors, partners, visitors and guests to access their internal enterprise networks.These users may connect to the network through wired ports in conference rooms or offices, or via wireless access points. In allowing this open access for third parties, LANs become(6) .Third parties can introduce risk in a variety of ways from connecting with an infected laptop to unauthorized access of network resources to(7)activity. For many organizations, however,the operational complexity and costs to ensure safe third party network access have been prohibitive. Fifty-two percent of surveyed CISOs state that they currently use a moat and castle's security approach, and admit that defenses inside the perimeter are weak. Threats from internal users are also increasingly a cause for security concerns. Employees with malicious intent can launch (8) of service attacks or steal (9) information by snooping the network. As they access the corporate network, mobile and remote users inadvertently can infect the network with (10) and worms acquired from unprotected public networks. Hackers masquer-ading as internal users can take advantage of weak internal security to gain access to confidential information.

  • A. B

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  • [单选题]同一基础上缓冲器的顶部与轿底对应距离差不大于()
  • A. 1
    B. 2
    C. 3
    D. 5

  • [多选题]三相异步电动机运行时,如果断了一相,变为缺相运行,将产生()等现象。
  • A. 另外两相电压降低
    B. 另外两相电压增加
    C. 另外两相电流降低
    D. 另外两相电流增加

  • [单选题]在光船租赁期间,应由()负责对船舶进行保险并负担保险费。
  • A. 出租人
    B. 承租人
    C. 船舶所有人(shipowner)
    D. 托运人

  • [单选题]下列滤线栅的概念和使用,错误的是()
  • A. 栅比指铅条高度与间隔距离的比值
    B. 滤线栅栅比值大,散射线消除效果好
    C. 高栅比吸收散射线效率高,患者接受辐射量少
    D. 活动滤线栅散射线消除效率高于同比值的静止栅
    E. 滤线栅的切割效应指滤线栅铅条对X线的入射吸收与阻止作用

  • [单选题]室外照明灯具,主要选用()。
  • A. A、聚光灯
    B. B、泛光灯
    C. C、射灯
    D. D、彩灯

  • [单选题]王某擅自使用机动渔船渡客。渔船行驶过程中,被某港航监督站的执法人员发现,当场对王某作出罚款50元的行政处罚,由于不当场收缴事后难以执行,执法人员当场收缴了该罚款。关于在水上当场收缴的罚款,下列做法正确的是()。
  • A. 执法人员应当自抵岸之日起2日内将罚款交至指定银行
    B. 执法人员应当自抵岸之日起5日内将罚款交至指定银行
    C. 执法人员应当自抵岸之日起2日内将罚款交至所在行政机关,由行政机关在2日内缴付指定银行
    D. 执法人员应当自抵岸之日起2日内将罚款交至所在行政机关,由行政机关在5日内缴付指定银行

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