农业生产(agricultural production)、职能部门(functional department)、阿托品(atropine)、不动产(real estate)、时间常数(time constant)、旧石器时代(paleolithic)、感染者(infection)、定期存款(fixed deposit)、一部分(part)、有价证券(securities)
[单选题]For (1) service, we need a virtual-circuit subnet. Let us see how that works. The idea behind virtual circuits is to avoid having to choose a new (2) for every packet sent. Instead,when a connection is established, a route from the(3) machine to the destination machine is chosen as part of the connection setup and stored in tables inside the (4) . That route is used for all traffic flowing over the connection, exactly the same way that the telephone system works.When the connection is released, the virtual circuit is also terminated. With connection-oriented service, each packet carries an (5) telling which virtual circuit it belongs to.
A. A
A. 成人禁食6~8小时
B. 婴儿术前2~3小时可喂少量糖水
C. 老年人应做肺功能评估
D. 急性上呼吸道感染者(infection),手术应推迟至治愈两周后
E. 成人Hb应不低于80g/L
A. A、带帽点柱、棚子支护等支护方式
B. B、一梁二柱或一梁三柱的棚子
C. C、留底煤,在底煤上铺底梁,再在底梁上架设支柱
D. D、搭木垛
A. 二巯丙磺钠
B. 依地酸二钠钙
C. 阿托品
D. 青霉胺
A. A、GB/T3956-1997
B. B、GB/T3048-2008
C. C、GB/T2952-2008
D. D、GB/T5023-2008
A. A、磨制石器的出现
B. B、铜器的出现
C. C、农业生产的出现
D. D、动物的驯养
A. A、有价证券(securities)、存单等质押物应按票面金额入账,其他抵押质押的不动产、动产或其他财产应按其评估价格或协议价格,并经有关部门确认后入账。
B. B、用系统内联网网点的储蓄存单质押的,在贷款发放质押登记时系统自动作止付处理。
C. C、单位定期存款(fixed deposit)开户证实书作质押时,系统不支持自动止付,应由会计人员作手工止付处理。
D. D、抵质押物由职能部门指定专人保管,网点负责人或授权分管负责人或会计主管对管辖的抵质押物每半年至少检查一次。
A. 蜗神经
B. 上橄榄核
C. 内侧膝状体
D. 下丘核
E. 耳蜗核
A. 越小越好
B. 越大越好
C. 0.6~0.7之间最好
D. 负值最好