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  • [单选题]当气阀阀面出现麻点、腐蚀时可采用()工艺修复。

  • A. 机械加工
    B. 喷涂或喷焊
    C. 电弧堆焊
    D. 以上均可

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  • [单选题]双轴系具有高速、()和()的特点。
  • A. 便于操纵/工作可靠
    B. 操纵灵活/生命力强
    C. 机动性好/生命力强
    D. 操纵灵活/工作可靠

  • [单选题]The cooling of the piston is carried out by circulating () across the underside of the crown and inside the ring belt or through specially shaped passages.
  • A. sea water
    B. scavenging air
    C. lubricating oil
    D. fuel oil

  • [单选题]The development of () has kept pace with the increasing demands made by the steady rise in power produced by modem marine diesels.
  • A. water
    B. fresh air
    C. oils
    D. gase

  • [单选题]The operation between two fuel injections is called a ().
  • A. turning cycle
    B. working cycle
    C. working hour
    D. working stroke

  • [单选题]With () unit the timing of fuel injection of an engine can be regulated automatically.
  • A. MBT
    B. MEG
    C. VSG
    D. VIT

  • [单选题]The trouble-free life of an engine indicates ().
  • A. the period of time during which no trouble occurs to the engine
    B. no trouble will occur to the engine all its life
    C. trouble may occur freely to the engine
    D. no matter what you do to the engine, no trouble will occur during this period

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/wdpge5.html
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