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    液压油(hydraulic oil)、故障率(failure rate)、测量法(measurement)、系统润滑油、不一定(not always)、光学仪器法

  • [单选题]舵系运动件的同轴度检验采用()。

  • A. 平台测量法
    B. 拉线法
    C. 光学仪器法
    D. 不一定(not always)

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]能反映故障概率变化情况的是()。Ⅰ.故障率λ(t);Ⅱ.密度函数f(t)
  • A. 仅Ⅰ对
    B. 仅Ⅱ对
    C. Ⅰ,Ⅱ都对
    D. Ⅰ,Ⅱ都不对

  • [单选题]液压拉伸器液压系统中绝对不可使用()作为液压油。
  • A. 纯净液压油
    B. 系统润滑油
    C. 汽缸油
    D. 系统润滑油或汽缸油

  • [单选题]船轴表面裂纹可采用()进行无损检测。Ⅰ.着色探伤;Ⅱ.煤油-白粉;Ⅲ.磁粉探伤;Ⅳ.超声波探伤;Ⅴ.X射线探伤。
  • A. Ⅱ+Ⅲ
    B. Ⅰ+Ⅲ
    C. Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅴ
    D. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ

  • [单选题]The cooling water temperature () over a period of 8 hours, and then shut down.
  • A. should be gradually increased
    B. should be gradually reduced
    C. should be constantly kept
    D. should be varied up and dow

  • [单选题]Vents are led from the engine to head tank () from the cooling water.
  • A. for the release of air
    B. for the release of water
    C. in order to the release of air
    D. because the release of air

  • [单选题]The lube oil cooler is located after the lube oil filter in order for ()
  • A. the filter to operate more efficiently
    B. the lube oil cooler to be bypassed
    C. positive lube oil pump suction to be assured
    D. galvanic action in the cooler to be minimized

  • [单选题]In a bypass type lubrication system for a diesel engine, the dirty oil line to the centrifuge should be taken from the ().
  • A. lube oil pump suction line
    B. lube oil pump discharge line
    C. bottom of the lube oil sump
    D. outlet from the lube oil header

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/w7nqjg.html
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