柴油机(diesel engine)、专用工具(special tool)、平均值(average)、增压器转子(blower rotor)
[单选题]增压器转子(blower rotor)校中时不需检测()。
A. 转子轴向串动量
B. 压气机叶轮的前间隙
C. 压气机叶轮的后间隙
D. 各轴承的轴承间隙
A. 破坏了与柴油机联合装置的工作
B. 需要随机专用工具和专用盖板
C. 工作量大
D. 废气仍通过使壳体受到高温作用
A. 部分
B. 局部
C. 全部
D. 任两个
[单选题]Each cylinder liner on the marine medium speed engines ().
A. is usually cooled by sea water
B. can be replaced when worn out
C. is in direct contact with the water in the bore of the cylinder
D. can t expand when heated
[单选题]If the engine () for a long period, there will be a danger of frost.
A. must to stand inoperative
B. has to stand inoperative
C. must be stood idle
D. will stand idle
[单选题]In an ordinary four-stroke engine the exhaust valves open ()
A. after TDC
B. before TDC
C. after BDC
D. before BDC
[单选题]If the temperature drops low enough, oil will not flow, () just tell us the temperature.
A. Hash point
B. Viscosity
C. Pour point
D. Cetane number
[单选题]An increased pressure differential between the inlet and outlet of a strainer usually indicates the strainer is ()
A. holed
B. fouled
C. clean
D. dry