

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-08-27     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]If a shipper has strict arrival and departure requirements, which kind of transport mode he should consider firstly?()

A. Railroad
B. Motor
C. Both of them
D. Neither of them

2. [单选题]Where is the most air freight shipped in the passenger aircraft?()

A. separately
B. Not clear
C. In the lower part
D. Not mention here

3. [单选题]Third part Logistics provides () the logistics services.

A. Single
B. Some
C. Simple
D. All

4. [单选题]If you make different trade in different countries, you must take different transport modes? ()

A. Yes
B. Not
C. It must be based on cost
D. Not mention in the paragraph

5. [单选题]()links all suppliers and customers as a chain in a certain product or service.

A. Contract
B. Business agreement
C. Supply Chain
D. Network

6. [单选题]()is guaranteed by the full market supply and just-in-time logistics.

A. zero inventory
B. stock
C. inventory
D. outsourcing inventory

7. [单选题]()is to protect goods not to be deteriorated like for and medicine.

A. packaging
B. special packaging
C. green packaging
D. vacuum packaging

8. [单选题]()has 3 parts: warehouse, high story shelf and stacker.

A. Multi-story warehouse
B. Automatic multi-story warehouse
C. Stereo-style warehouse
D. stereoscopic warehouse

9. [单选题]How much is the percent of air transportation in all modes?()

A. Less than 1%
B. Lowest
C. Lower
D. Low

10. [单选题]ASRS (Automated Storage and Retrieval System) is()

A. 自动化存取系统
B. 自动储存系统
C. 自动储存反馈系统
D. 自动化储存返回系统

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