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    生命力(vitality)、机动性(mobility)、离心力(centrifugal force)、力偶矩(moment of couple)、转子动平衡(rotor balancing)、四冲程柴油机(four-stroke diesel engine)、动平衡试验(dynamic balance test)、增压器转子(blower rotor)

  • [单选题]针阀与针阀体进行滑动试验时,一般将针阀抽出1/3左右后观察其()的情况。

  • A. 表面变形
    B. 表面损伤
    C. 表面磨损
    D. 下滑速度

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  • [单选题]废气锅炉窄点较低()。Ⅰ.可提高废气锅炉的利用率;Ⅱ.废气锅炉应有较大受热面;Ⅲ.废气锅炉废气压力损失较小
  • A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ
    B. Ⅰ+Ⅲ
    C. Ⅱ+Ⅲ
    D. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ

  • [单选题]增压器转子(blower rotor)动平衡试验(dynamic balance test)合格之后()。
  • A. 两平面内的离心力的向量和近似为零
    B. 离心力引起的力偶矩的向量和近似为零
    C. 偏心矩近似为零
    D. 以上均是

  • [单选题]双轴系具有高速、()和()的特点。
  • A. 便于操纵/工作可靠
    B. 操纵灵活/生命力强
    C. 机动性好/生命力强
    D. 操纵灵活/工作可靠

  • [单选题]四冲程柴油机(four-stroke diesel engine)停增压器运转,相当于非增压柴油机,但此时工作的主要问题是()。
  • A. 气阀重叠角较小,排气不畅
    B. 气阀重叠角较大,排气不畅
    C. 气阀重叠角较小,排气倒流
    D. 气阀重叠角较大,排气倒流

  • [单选题]Excessive clearances in the main or crank-pin bearings will sometimes be indicated by () before any bearing knock is heard.
  • A. loss of flow in the fuel system
    B. loss of pressure in the air system
    C. loss of flow in the lubricating system
    D. loss of pressure in the lubricating system

  • [单选题]For one or two types of engine, the piston and rod can be withdrawn downwards from the cylinder into the crankcase and then out through the ().
  • A. cylinder casing
    B. cylinder bore
    C. crankcase door
    D. aperture in the cylinder block

  • [单选题]On most modern diesel engines, the main and connecting rod bearings receive their lubricating oil by ().
  • A. banjo feed
    B. splash feed
    C. gravity feed
    D. pressure feed

  • [单选题]Lubricating oil should be changed on a heavy duty diesel engine when().
  • A. it gets dark in color
    B. a sample rubbed between fingers feels thin
    C. it has been in use for a specified interval
    D. it no longer supports combustio

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