麻黄碱(ephedrine)、去甲肾上腺素(norepinephrine)、路由器(router)、多巴胺(dopamine)、异丙肾上腺素(isoproterenol)、数据包(packet)、目的地(destination)、网络连接(network connection)、胸式呼吸(thoracic breathing)、仰卧起坐(situps)
[单选题]An internet is a combination of networks connected by (1). When a datagram goes from a source to a (2), it will probably pass many (3) until it reaches the router attached to the destination network. A router receives a (4) from a network and passes it to another network. A router is usually attached to several networks. When it receives a packet, to which network should it pass the packet? The decision is based on optimization: Which of the available (5) is the optimum pathway?
A. A