法律规定、当事人(party)、刑事责任(criminal responsibility)、违法行为(illegal activities)、执法机关(law enforcement agency)、行政主管部门(executive branch)、嫌疑人(suspect)、烟草专卖品(tobacco monopoly commodities)、依法追究、找不到(not to find)
[判断题]申请人通过隐瞒或者欺骗等手段非法取得烟草专卖品(tobacco monopoly commodities)准运证,应当由原发证机关收回或者撤销其烟草专卖品(tobacco monopoly commodities)准运证,并依法追究有关单位和个人的刑事责任。
[单选题]各级烟草专卖局对涉嫌非法运输烟草专卖品(tobacco monopoly commodities)的当事人、嫌疑人(suspect)、证人进行()和询问。
A. 检查
B. 调查
C. 搜查
D. 扣留
A. 20
B. 50
C. 100
D. 150
A. 违法行为超过法律规定的行政处罚时限的
B. 不属于本机关管辖的
C. 违法事实不成立,违法行为显著轻微且已改正的
D. 当事人找不到(not to find)的
[多选题]You administer an online transaction processing (OLTP) system whose database is stored in AutomaticStorage Management (ASM) and whose disk group use normal redundancy.One of the ASM disks goes offline, and is then dropped because it was not brought online before DISK_REPAIR_TIME elapsed.When the disk is replaced and added back to the disk group, the ensuing rebalance operation is too slow.Which two recommendations should you make to speed up the rebalance operation if this type of failurehappens again?()
A. Increase the value of the ASM_POWER_LIMIT parameter.
B. Set the DISK_REPAIR_TIME disk attribute to a lower value.
C. Specify the statement that adds the disk back to the disk group.
D. Increase the number of ASMB processes.
E. Increase the number of DBWR_IO_SLAVES in the ASM instance.