1. [多选题]下列哪些药物应用时可发生诱导期兴奋作用()
A. 依托咪酯
B. 芬太尼
C. 地西泮
D. 丙泊酚
E. 硫喷妥钠
2. [单选题]一足月新生儿,生后第1天开始发热、腹泻,生后第6天出现烦躁、拒奶,第8天出现黄疸,入院当日上午抽搐3次。体检:体温38.5℃,呼吸50次/分,前囟饱满,心率160次/分,白细胞28×109/L,中性0.75,淋巴0.25,血总胆红素222.3μmol/L(13mg/dl),大便常规正常,X线胸片正常。
A. B
3. [单选题]关于外阴阴道假丝酵母菌的特性,正确的是()
A. 此菌能耐受80℃持续1小时
B. 最适宜环境的pH值为5.2~6.6
C. 此菌为条件致病菌
D. 多数通过性交直接传染
E. 是阴道炎的首发原因
4. [单选题]内存参数“台式机/DDRII/256M/DDR533/TinyBGA/CL=4”中“533”是指()。
A. A、内存的实际工作(practical work)频率为533MHz
B. B、内存的数据传输率为533MB/s
C. C、内存的数据传输率为533Mb/s
D. D、内存的理想工作频率为533MHz
5. [单选题]Creating the Logistics Vision Nowadays,most companies are familiar with the idea of "mission statement"as an expression of setting a vision for the business.The mission statement seeks to define the pur-pose of the business,its boundaries and its aspirations.It is now common for organizations to have such statement for the business as a whole and for key constituent components.What some companies have found is that there can be significant benefits to defining the lo-gistics vision of the firm. The purpose of the logistics vision statement is to give a clear indication which business intends to build a position of advantage through closer customer relationship.Such state-ment is never easy to construct.There is always the danger that they will publish the ener-getic and encouraging declaration that give everyone a warm feeling but provide no guideline for action. Ideally the logistics vision should be built around the simple issue of"How do we intend to use logistics and supply chain management to create value for our customers?"To realize this idea will necessitate a detailed understanding of how customer value is created and deliv-ered in the market in which the business competes.Value chain analysis will be a fundamen-tal element in this investigation as will the definition of the core competencies and capabilities of the organization.Asking the question"What activities dowe excel in?"and"What is it that differentiates us from our competitors?"is the starting point for creating the logistics vision statement. Earlier,it was suggested that the three words"Better,Faster,Cheaper"summarizes the ways in which logistics vision statement can provide value for customers.The criterion for good logistics vision statement is that it should provide the road map for how these three goals are to be achieved. Questions:
A. B
6. [单选题]对轴承及时添油,保持良好的润滑,并应经常清除附着的可燃污垢,以防()起火。
A. B
7. [单选题]通常中大型(middle-large size)压缩机均配有冷却系统,其目的是让实际工作(practical work)过程尽量接近()过程。
A. 等温;
B. 绝热;
C. 多变;
D. 吸热