必典考网发布"If the vertical center of gravity (VCG) of a ship rises 1.7"考试试题下载及答案,更多船舶浮性题库的考试试题下载及答案考试题库请访问必典考网海上货物运输题库频道。
[单选题]If the vertical center of gravity (VCG) of a ship rises 1.7 feet,the righting arm (GZ) for the various angles of inclination will().
A. decrease
B. increase
C. remain unchanged
D. be changed by the amount of GG' x cosine of the angle
A. A.平板龙骨厚度
B. B.船壳板厚度
C. C.干舷甲板厚度
D. D.间舱甲板厚度
A. A.6.80m
B. B.6.90m
C. C.6.95m
D. D.7.00m
A. 8.00m
B. 8.05m
C. 8英尺3英寸
D. 8英尺6英寸
A. A.16.0
B. B.18.1
C. C.18.45
D. D.16.4
[单选题]A load line is assigned to a ship to insure adequate stability and().
A. mooring tension
B. riser tension
C. lifesaving equipment
D. structural strength
[单选题]A vessel’s LCG is determined by().
A. dividing the total longitudinal moment summations by displacement
B. dividing the total vertical moment summations by displacement
C. multiplying the MTC by the longitudinal moments
D. subtracting LCF from LCB
[单选题]The point to which your vessel’s center of gravity (G) may rise and still permit the vessel to have positive stability is called the().
A. metacentric point
B. metacenter
C. metacentric radius
D. tipping center
[单选题]The waterplane area is described as the intersection of the surface of the water in which a vessel floats and the().
A. baseline
B. vertical reference plane
C. hull
D. horizontal reference plane
[单选题]What DOCS SALT WATER DRAFT means?().
A. It means summer draft
B. It means Maximum draft
C. It means Fresh Water draft
D. It means Seawater Draft