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    塑性变形(plastic deformation)、润滑剂(lubricant)、第一次(the first time)、安全操作规程、一部分(part)、不符合(inconformity)、不一定(not always)、固定物(fixture)

  • [单选题]按直线校中原理校中时,各轴承的连线为()。

  • A. 直线
    B. 曲线
    C. 折线
    D. 不一定(not always)

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]拆装螺母时,不符合(inconformity)安全操作规程的是()。
  • A. 一手抓住固定物(fixture)
    B. 另一手力用推
    C. 少用套筒或梅花扳手
    D. 根据需要增加扳手延长套管的长度

  • [单选题]曲轴臂距差对应着曲柄的变形,若臂距差大于零,则在垂直平面内曲柄呈()。
  • A. A.塌腰形
    B. B.拱腰形
    C. C.左拱形
    D. D.右拱形

  • [单选题]在第一次上紧贯穿螺栓时,由于螺栓各承压部分产生塑性变形,使一部分预紧力丧失,解决的办法是上紧前()。
  • A. A.先上紧螺栓,然后再旋松
    B. B.将螺栓和承压面彻底清洁干净
    C. C.在螺栓和承压面之间涂以适当的润滑剂
    D. D.将螺栓和承压面彻底清洁干净和在螺栓和承压面之间涂以适当的润滑剂

  • [单选题]The cooling water temperature () over a period of 8 hours, and then shut down.
  • A. should be gradually increased
    B. should be gradually reduced
    C. should be constantly kept
    D. should be varied up and dow

  • [单选题]The joint face between the cylinder cover and the liner is arranged ()the combustion process as possible.
  • A. such far away from
    B. such near by
    C. as far away from
    D. as near by

  • [单选题]The words such as quantity, grade, viscosity and specific gravity should be in the ().
  • A. repair list
    B. spare parts order list
    C. price list
    D. bunker list

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