关键设备、集中器(concentrator)、通信适配器(communication adapter)、切合实际(be suitable to actual circumstances)、实质问题(substantive matter)、预先确定(previously determined)
A. 星型集中器
B. 通信适配器
C. 传输介质
D. 网络站点
[单选题]在合同谈判前,要制定切合实际的谈判目标,要抓住实质问题(substantive matter),要营造一个平等协商的氛围。这些工作在合同管理中属于()管理
A. A、合同签订
B. B、合同履行
C. C、合同变更
D. D、合同档案
[单选题]Information theory is related to the quantification of information. This was developed by Claude E. Shannon to who found fundamental limits on ( ) operations such as compressing data and on reliably storing and communicating data.
A. signal
B. data
C. information
D. signal processing
A. 横向排列
B. 前后对调
C. 对数字进行分割
D. 对数字进行放大
A. 从另一方获取最大的利益
B. 保护双方的关系
C. 成为赢家
D. 预先确定(previously determined)你的目标,并坚持目标