必典考网发布"Many students start each term with an award check,but by the"考试试题下载及答案,更多教师资格证-高中英语的考试试题下载及答案考试题库请访问必典考网高中教师资格频道。
[单选题]Many students start each term with an award check,but by the time books are bought,food is paid for,and a bit of social life_________,it looks rather emaciated.
A. lives
B. lived
C. was lived
D. has lived
[单选题]下列四个成语或俗语中,哪一个描述的是典型的正迁移现象?( )
A. 聪明过人
B. 举一反三
C. 物以类聚
D. 思维敏捷
[单选题]后印象派三大巨匠及其代表作描述正确的是( )。
A. 高更《星夜》
B. 莫奈《睡莲》
C. 达·芬奇《蒙娜丽莎》
D. 梵高《向日葵》
[单选题]Which of the following is a display question used by teachers in class?
A. If you were the girl in the story, would you behave like her?
B. Do you like this story Girl the Thumb, why or why not?
C. Do you agree that the girl was a kind-hearted person?
D. What happened to the girl at the end of the story?
[单选题]夏老师认为学校对自己的处分不公平。依据《教师法》,他可以向教育行政部门提出申诉,教育行政部门应当在接到申述的( )日内,做出处理。
A. 15
B. 30
C. 7
D. 10
[单选题]Which of the following is true of English sound system?
A. Aspiration is a distinctive feature.
B. Voicing is a distinctive phonetic feature.
C. Nasalization of vowels gives rise to another vowel.
D. Length ofvowels differentiates one vowel from the other.
[单选题]当小强改正了上学迟到的行为后,班主任取消了其不准看动画片的禁令,这种做法属于( )。
A. 正强化
B. 负强化
C. 正惩罚
D. 负惩罚
[单选题]小天鹅歌舞团有小演员45名。关于这45名小演员,甲乙丙三人有如下讨论:甲说:"这些小演员中有些是北京人。"乙说:"小演员中的李欣欣不是北京人。"丙说:"这些小演员中有些不是北京人。"事实上,甲乙丙三人的话只有一句为真。请问,下面哪个选项为真( )
A. 45名小演员都不是北京人
B. 有些小演员不是北京人
C. 李欣欣不是北京人
D. 45名小演员都是北京人
[单选题]良好班集体形成的标志是( )。
A. 有明确的奋斗目标
B. 有健全的组织系统和领导核心
C. 形成了正确的舆论和良好的班风
D. 有合格的规章制度和纪律