

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-11-07     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]Same goods can be valued different at different times. Goods often stop during the transfer process, which is professionally called the ().

A. Inventory
B. Store
C. Stock
D. Storage of logistics

2. [单选题]What is the function of internet to the logistics? ()

A. To direct the operation
B. To help the market development, operation and management
C. To guide the mobile equipment, like truck and ship
D. To speed up the process

3. [单选题]Loss and damage ration for motor are lower than any other modes. Is it correct?()

A. Yes
B. Depend
C. Not
D. I don’t know

4. [单选题]What is the same meaning of reverse distribution? ()

A. Sales
B. Sales and logistics
C. Returned logistics
D. Back and forth

5. [单选题]()is a railway container transportation linking both end of the oceans.

A. Bridge transport
B. Land transport
C. Land bridge transport
D. Cross continent transport

6. [单选题]How much is the percent of air transportation in all modes?()

A. Less than 1%
B. Lowest
C. Lower
D. Low

7. [单选题]The area for unloading goods in warehouse is()

A. receiving space
B. shipping space
C. receive area
D. collecting area

8. [单选题]()is used to protect goods not to be deteriorated like food and medicine.

A. packaging
B. Green Packaging
C. Vacuum packaging
D. Special packaging

9. [单选题]()is the method to keep the best inventory level and position with the minimum cost to satisfy the demand.

A. warehouse management
B. Inventory control
C. stock management
D. storage management

10. [单选题]B2A的中文意思是()。

A. 企业对管理
B. 企业社会
C. 企业对政府
D. 企业与行政机构的电子商务

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