

来源: 必典考网    发布:2022-10-05     [手机版]    
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1. [单选题]Project work packages are typically decomposed into smaller components called activities to provide a basis for()scheduling, executing, and monitoring and controllingthe proj ect work.

A. reviewing
B. estimating
C. auditing
D. expecting

2. [单选题]The strategies for handling risk comprise of two main types: negative risks, and positive risks. The goal ofthe plan is to minimize threats and maximize opportunities. When dealing with negative risks, there are three main response strategies(),rransfer ,Mitigate.

A. Challenge
B. Exploit
C. Avoid
D. Enhance

3. [单选题]The (1) is a general description of the architecture of a workflow management system used by the WFMC, in which the main components and the associated interfaces are summarized. The workflow enactment service is the heart of a workflow system which consists of several (2).

A. B

4. [单选题]Fair and(1) competition in government procurement around the world is good business and good public policy. Competitive pricing, product(2)and performanceimprovements result from competitive practices and help ensure that government authoritiesget the best (3)for the public they serve.

A. A

5. [单选题]Fair and(1) competition in government procurement around the world is good business and good public policy. Competitive pricing, product(2)and performanceimprovements result from competitive practices and help ensure that government authoritiesget the best (3)for the public they serve.

A. C

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