
在Word中,不能操作实现的是( )。

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  • 【名词&注释】

    飞行员(pilots)、价值体系(value system)、自觉性(consciousness)、越南战争(vietnam war)、融为一体、思想观点(thoughts and viewpoints)、总结性评价(summative evaluation)、之所以(the reason that)、实质上(in essence)、学习准备(learning preparation)

  • [单选题]在Word中,不能操作实现的是( )。

  • A. 在页眉中插入日期
    B. 建立奇偶内容不同的页眉
    C. 在页眉中插入分页符
    D. 在页眉中插入剪贴画

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]在某学段开始时对学生的知识水平、能力发展现状进行评价,以便更好地组织教学。这种评价方式是( )。
  • A. 形成性评价
    B. 诊断性评价
    C. 总结性评价(summative evaluation)
    D. 选拔性评价

  • [单选题]遗忘就是将识记的信息完全丧失。( ) A.正确B.错误
  • A. B

  • [单选题]学习动机有高尚和低级之分,其划分标准是学习动机的( )。
  • A. 作用
    B. 社会意义
    C. 动力来源
    D. 个人的前途

  • [单选题]态度与品德形成的一般过程不包括( )。
  • A. 依从
    B. 认同
    C. 接纳
    D. 内化

  • [单选题]21.请阅读Passage 1,完成第1~5小题。   Passage 1   Sante fe,New Mexico multimillionaire Fortest Fenn has always loved a good adventure.As asmall child before eight,he and his brother,Skippy spent summer vacations making exploration inYellowstone National Park.   As a teen,Fenn idolized the decorated World War Ⅱ fighter pilot,called Robin Olds and latter emulated his hero during The Vietnam War as an Air fighter pilot to go to New Mexico and settledthere as an arts and antiques dealer,hunting down valuable paintings,rugs,war memorabilia.andother antique to sell.   In 1998,Fenn was diagnosed with terminal kidney cancer.As he had always been doing,he conceived a grand adventured that he assumed would be his last one.“I wanted to create some excitement,some hope,before I died,”says Fenn,82,adding that he also wanted to“get kids out ofthe game room and off the couch.”With those ideas in his mind,he started to devise a treasure hunt.   little by little,Fenn began stocking a small bronze chest with gold coins,prehistoric bracelets and other valuable things.When his cancer went into remission in 1993,he decided he would carryout his plan anyway.   In 2010,“Fenn topped”off the chest with jewels and valuable stones and hid it somewhere deepin the Rocky Mountains,north of Sante Fe.later that year,he wrote a poem for his self-publishedmemoir,The Thrill of the Chase.It contained nine clues about the treasure box's whereabouts.Onestanza reads like this:Begin it where warm waters halt/and take it in the canyon down/Not far,buttoo far to walk/Put in below the home of Brown.   A few months later,a story about the treasure appeared in a magazine.Since then,Fenn hasreceived thousands of e-mails from treasure hunters.Some request more clues to the box.Butmostly“people thanked me for bringing their family together,”he says with a self-comforting smileon his face.   In April,Fenn told a crowd at an albuquerque bookstore that two groups of treasure huntershad gotten within 500 feet of the chest.“They walked right by it,”he said.   Fenn is confident that the treasure will be unearthed eventually and says it will take the right combination of cunning and perseverance.“It will be discovered by someone who has read the clues carefully and successfully.But nobody is going to happen upon it,”   He predicts.He hopes that whoever finds the loot will relish the riches and the adventure of finding them.
  • Who was a fighter pilot during the Vietnam War according to the passage?

  • A. Skippy.
    B. Robin Olds.
    C. Sante Fe.
    D. Forrest Fenn.

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