
In order to ensure perfect atomization, the fuel oil () be

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    中心线(center line)、垂直面(vertical plane)

  • [单选题]In order to ensure perfect atomization, the fuel oil () before injection.

  • A. has to be cooled
    B. has heated
    C. has preheated
    D. has to be preheated

  • 查看答案&解析 查看所有试题
  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]轴系中心线的偏差度反映的是()的程度。
  • A. 垂直平面和水平平面上弯曲
    B. 垂直面和水平平面上扭转
    C. 任意两垂直平面上弯曲
    D. 任意两垂直平面上扭转

  • [单选题]Among the main propulsion units on board the ship with the same capacity, the lightest one is().
  • A. steam engine
    B. steam turbine
    C. gas turbine
    D. diesel engine

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