1. [单选题]You must take good care of the drainage cock of the air control systemBecause () leads scale formed which might malfunction the pilot control valve and other instruments.
A. the temperature
B. the rust
C. the pressure
D. the humidity
2. [单选题]渔谚指“老水”为()
A. 早红晚红
B. 早清晚绿
C. 肥而不活
D. 半塘红半塘绿
3. [单选题]在开始心理治疗时,哪项最重要()
A. 认真记录病人的谈话
B. 树立治疗者(therapist)的权威性
C. 为病人提供治愈疾病的保证
D. 制造神秘气氛,使病人容易相信
E. 建立信任感