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[单选题]This kind of cloth_______well.I think it is worthy__________.
A. washes; buying
B. is washed; buying
C. washes; to be bought
D. is washed; to be bought
[单选题]"蓬生麻中,不扶自直;白沙在涅,与之俱黑……故君子居必择乡…"对此判断正确的是( )。
A. 出自于古代教育家孔子的学说
B. 强调教育对人的作用
C. 强调环境对人的作用
D. 出自于古代教育家孟子的学说
[多选题]校园组织与制度文化是校园文化的核心内容。( )
A. ×
[单选题] The criteria to determine a word's category include all the following EXCEPT ______.
A. meaning
B. inflection
C. distribution
D. parts of speech
[单选题]王老师工作勤勤恳恳,每次上课都不辞辛苦地从上课到下课,但教学效果一直不理想,这令他百思不得其解,王老师最应该反思的是( )。
A. 教学态度
B. 教学方式
C. 教学手段
D. 教学组织形式
[单选题]教育制度的主体是( )。
A. 教育规范
B. 学制
C. 教育体制
D. 国家
[单选题] One of the most contentious issues in the vast literature about alcohol consumption has been the consistent finding that those who don't drink tend to die sooner than those who do. The standard Alcoholics Anonymous (匿名戒酒互助会) explanation for this finding is that many of those who show up as abstainers (戒酒者) in such research are actually former hard-core drunks who had already incurred health problems associated with drinking.
But a new paper in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research suggests that-for reasons that aren't entirely clear-abstaining from alcohol does tend to increase one's risk of dying, even when you exclude former problem drinkers. The most shocking part is abstainers' mortality rates are higher than those of heavy drinkers.
Moderate drinking, which is defined as one to three drinks per day, is associated with the lowest mortality rates in alcohol studies. Moderate alcohol use (especially when the beverage of choice is red wine) is thought to improve heart health.
But why would abstaining from alcohol lead to a shorter life? It's true that those who abstain from alcohol tend to be from lower socioeconomic classes, since drinking can be expensive. And people of lower socioecononuc status have more life stressors-job and child-care worries that might not only keep them from the bottle but also cause stress-related illness over long periods.(They also don't get the stress-reducing benefits of a drink or two after work.)
But even after controlling for nearly all imaginable variables-socioeconomic status, level of physical activity, number of close friends, quality of social support and so on-the researchers .(a six-member team led by psychologist Charles Holahan of the University of Texas at Austin) found that over a 20-year period, mortality rates were highest for those who were not current drinkers, regardless of whether they used to be alcoholics, second highest for heavy drinkers and lowest for moderate drinkers.
According to the research over a 20-year period, what kind of people has the highest mortality rates?
A. Those who drunk before that period.
B. Those who didn't drink during that period.
C. Those who were moderate drinkers.
D. Those who were heavy drinkers.
[多选题]有目的有计划地对事物或现象进行感知的研究方法是观察。( )
A. 对
[单选题]情感是情绪的基础,情绪是情感的表现。( )A.正确B.错误
A. B
[单选题]教师方某常给学生起侮辱性绰号,造成恶劣影响,对于方某的这种行为,所在学校或教育行政部门应当给予( )。
A. 行政处分或解聘
B. 行政警告或拘留
C. 行政强制或拘留
D. 行政处罚或解聘