1. [单选题]吊缸检修柴油机连杆螺栓时一定要()。
A. 用扭力扳手或液压拉伸器预紧
B. 用普通扳手的力臂套筒不得随意增长
C. 磁力探伤或着色探伤
D. 超声波探伤
2. [单选题]当铁梨木轴承的轴承间隙超过标准,而铁梨木板条的厚度低于极限值时应采用()修理。
A. 换新轴承
B. 更换下瓦
C. 更换艉轴铜套
D. 更换艉轴
3. [单选题]Which of the following may lead to the engine NOT to start on air?()
A. starting air pressure too high
B. correct timing of starting air valves
C. three of the six starting valves stuck
D. the turning gear disengaged