错别字(wrongly written characters)、迷走神经(vagus nerve)、真菌性败血症(fungal septicemia)、出人头地、沽名钓誉(captation)、声东击西、金榜题名、浅斟低唱(drinking leisurely and singing softly)
[单选题]He’S working hard for fear that he_________.
A. should fall behind
B. fell behind
C. may fall behind
D. would fall behind
[单选题]下列四组词语中,没有错别字的一组是( )
A. 骨梗在喉 声东击西 性格粗犷 莫明其妙
B. 助纣为谑 出人头地 销声匿迹 渎于职守
C. 沽名钓誉 倚马可待 浅斟低唱(drinking leisurely and singing softly) 幡然悔悟
D. 金榜题名 岁月荏苒 一股作气 及笄年华
[单选题]It was a ________ room, with beautiful wall paper, waxed floor and nice furniture.
A. pleased
B. pleasant
C. pleasing
D. preasant
[多选题]临床上对疑有真菌性败血症应做哪些检查( )
A. 抽髓培养
B. 尿培养
C. 血培养
D. 眼底镜检查
E. 血涂片检查
[多选题]参与排尿的神经有( )
A. 迷走神经
B. 盆神经
C. 腹下神经
D. 阴部神经
E. 膈神经