严密性试验(tightness test)、防水砂浆、装饰性(decorative)、包装容器(packaging container)、质量证明书(certificate of quality)、法人代表、耐低温性能(low temperature resistance)、营业执照(business license)、高聚物改性沥青卷材(polymer modified asphalt coiled materia
...)、生产日期(manufacture date)
[单选题]在供应商引进过程中,分公司(公司)在搜集供应商的营业执照(business license)、税务登记证、业绩证明等复印件资料时,复印件必须()
A. 有法人代表签字证明
B. 经供应商电话确认
C. 加盖供应单位公章
D. 由供应单位送至经理部
A. 保温绝热、不结露、防水、不燃、耐磨
B. 透光不透视、化学稳定性好,装饰性好
C. 使用时不能切割
D. 可以作为承重墙
[单选题]高聚物改性沥青卷材(polymer modified asphalt coiled materia)检验的必试项目不包括()
A. A、纵向拉力
B. B、耐热度
C. C、柔度
D. D、耐低温性能(low temperature resistance)
A. A、5%
B. B、10%
C. C、15%
[单选题]You have an Exchange Server 2010 Mailbox server.The server is a member of a database availability group (DAG).The server fails.You install the operating system on a new server and use the same computer name.You join the server to the domain.You need to reinstall Exchange Server 2010 on the server.The solution must ensure that previous Exchange server configurations are applied to the new server.What should you do?()
A. Run setup /RecoverCMS
B. Run setup /m:RecoverServer
C. Restore the system state from the previous server
D. Install the Exchange management tools and then run the Restore-Computer cmdlet
A. 略大于
B. 略小于
C. 等于
D. 1.5倍
A. 抹面砂浆
B. 砌筑砂浆
C. 特种砂浆
D. 防水砂浆
A. 查看所到货物是否与合同、采购(进场)计划一致
B. 检查物资和包装容器上是否贴有物料标签,标签上是否注明物料品名,物料编码、生产日期(manufacture date)等
C. 检查供方提供的送货单、发票、出厂检验报告、质量证明书、产品合格证是否齐全
D. 检查物资的外观、包装情况