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  • [单选题]18世纪法国思想家卢梭认为,“儿童的自然”决定教育目的,这种教育目的价值取向属于

  • A. 个人本位论
    B. 社会本位论
    C. 国家本位论
    D. 生活本位论

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  • [单选题]课堂提问时,刘静总是第一个给出问题的答案,有时问题未清楚就开始解答,刘静的认知方式属于( )。
  • A. 沉思型
    B. 发散型
    C. 辅合型
    D. 冲动型

  • [单选题]在知识的学习过程中,掌握同类事物的关键特征和本质特征属于( )。
  • A. 概念学习
    B. 意义学习
    C. 命题学习
    D. 符号学习

  • [单选题]小学低年级教师常利用图片,图表和模型等开展教学活动以帮助学生理解教学内容这是因为小学生的思维处于( )阶段。
  • A. 物质化活动阶段
    B. 有声的外部言语阶段
    C. 精神化活动阶段
    D. 内部的言语活动阶段

  • [单选题]杜甫诗句"丞相祠堂何处寻,锦官城外柏森森"中"锦官城"指的是( )。
  • A. 开封
    B. 北京
    C. 南京
    D. 成都

  • [单选题]班主任在班级管理中的地位不包括( )。
  • A. 是班级人际关系的艺术家
    B. 是班集体的教育者
    C. 是班级组织的领导者
    D. 是班级制度的贯彻者

  • [单选题] There are few more sobering online activities than entering data into college-tuition calculators and gasping as the Web spits back a six-figure sum. But economists say families about to go into debt to fund four years of partying, as well as studying, can console themselves with the knowledge that college is an investment that, unlike many bank stocks, should yield huge dividends. A 2008 study by two Harvard economists notes that the "labor-market premium to skill"-or the amount college graduates earned that's greater than what high-school graduate earned-decreased for much of the 20th century, but has come back with a vengeance since the 1980s. In 2005, the typical full-time year- round U.S. worker with a four-year college degree earned $50,900,62% more than the $31,500 earned by a worker with only a high-school diploma. There's no question that going to college is a smart economic choice. But a look at the strange variations in tuition reveals that the choice about which college to attend doesn't come down merely to dollars and cents. Does going to Columbia University (tuition, room and board $49,260 in 2007-08) yield a 40% greater return than attending the Uruversity of Colorado at Boulder as an out-of-state student ($35,542)? Probably not. Does being an out-of-state student at the University of Colorado at Boulder yield twice the amount of income as being an in-state student ($17,380) there? Not likely. No, in this consumerist age, most buyers aren't evaluating college as an investment, but rather as a consumer product-like a car or clothes or a house. And with such purchases, price is only one of many crucial factors to consider. As with automobiles, consumers in today's college marketplace have vast choices, and people search for the one that gives them the most comfort and satisfaction in line with their budgets. This accounts for the willingness of people to pay more for different types of experiences (such as attending a private liberal-arts college or going to an out-of-state public school that has a great marine-biology program). And just as two auto purchasers might spend an equal amount of money on very different cars, college students (or, more accurately, their parents) often show a willingness to pay essentially the same price for vastly different products. So which is it? Is college an investment product like a stock or a consumer product like a car? In keeping with the automotive world's hottest consumer trend, maybe it's best to characterize it as a hybrid (混合动力汽车):an expensive consumer product that, over time, will pay rich dividends.
  • Students who attend an in-state university can ________ in Colorado.

  • A. take more science courses
    B. get a better education
    C. save a half than out-state students on tuition
    D. stay near with home

  • [多选题]材料:   明月清泉自在怀 孙见喜   读王维的《山居秋暝》时年龄还小,想象不来"松间明月"的高洁,也不懂得"清泉石上"是怎么样。我虽然诗句背得滚瓜烂熟,其意义依然不懂。什么空山,清泉,渔舟,这些田园风物也只是朦胧,而乡野情致则更模糊了。   后来上了大学,有了些古文功底,常常自豪于同窗学友,翻来覆去的"明月松间照,清泉石上流",也能时常获得师长赞许。而后来深入乡村,那儿有田,却无松竹流泉;及至上了华山、峨眉山,并且专在月夜听泉,古刹闻钟,乘江南渔舟,访溪边浣女,都是寻找王维《山居秋暝》的那种灿烂意境,都为了却"明月松间照,清泉石上流"的那份执着情结,一段时间,于世人纷杂之中,自以为林泉在胸,甚至以渔樵野老自居,说和同事纠纷,劝解祸中难人。自以为心中有了王维,就了却了人间烦恼,看透了红尘纷争;更自以为一壶清茶,便可笑谈古今。   真正进入了人生的生存程序一一结婚、生子、住房、柴米油盐等等,才知道青年时代"明月松间照"式的"超脱",只不过是少年时代"为赋新词强说愁"的浮雕和顺延。真正对王维和他的诗的理解,是在经历了无数生命体验和阅历的堆积之后。人之一生,苦也罢,乐也罢;得也罢,失也罢--要紧的是心间的一泓清泉里不能没有月辉,哲学家培根说过:"历史使人明智,诗歌使人灵秀。"顶上的松阴,足下的流泉以及坐下的磐石,何曾因宠辱得失而抛却自在?又何曾因风霜雨雪而易移萎缩?它们自我踏实,不变心性,才有了千年的阅历,万年长久,也有了诗人的神韵和学者的品性。我不止   一次地造访过终南山翠华池边那棵苍松,也每年数次带着外地朋友去观览黄帝陵下汉武帝亲手所植的古柏,还常常携着孩子在碑林前面的唐槐边盘桓……这些木中的祖宗,旱天雷摧折过它们的骨干,三九冰冻裂过它们的树皮,甚至它们还挨过野樵顽童的斧斫和毛虫鸟雀的啮啄,然而它们全都无言地忍受了。它们默默地自我修复、自我完善。到头来,这风霜雨雪,这刀斧虫雀,统统化做了其根下营养自身的泥土和涵育情操的"胎盘"。这是何等的气度和胸襟?相形之下,那些不惜以自己的尊严和人格与金钱地位、功名利禄作交换,最终腰缠万贯、飞黄腾达的小人的蝇营狗苟算得了什么,且让他暂去得逞又能怎样?   王维实在是唐朝的爱因斯坦,他把山水景物参悟得那么透彻。坦诚、执着、自识,使王维远离了贪婪、附庸、嫉妒的装饰,从而永葆了自身人品、诗品顽强的生命力。谁又能说不呢?的确,"空山"是一种胸襟,"新雨"是一种态度,"天气"是一种环境,"晚来"是瞬间的境遇。"竹喧"也罢,"莲动"也罢,"春芳"也罢,"王孙"也罢,生活中的诱惑实在太多太多,而物质的欲望永无止境,什么都要的结果最终只能是什么都没有得到。惟有甘于清贫甘于寂寞,自始至终保持独立的人格,这才是人生"取之不尽,用之不竭"的精神财富。"明月松间照",照一片娴静淡泊寄寓我无所栖息的灵魂;"清泉石上流",流一江春水细浪淘洗我劳累庸碌之身躯。浣女是个好,渔舟是个好,好的质地在于劳作,在于独立,在于思想--这是物质的创造,更是精神的明月清泉。   问题:   (1)作者写终南山的松、黄帝陵的柏和碑林前的槐,目的是什么?(4分)   (2)文中句子"到头来,这风霜雨雪,这刀斧虫雀,统统化做了其根下营养自身的泥土和涵育情操的"胎盘"。""什么都要的结果最终只能是什么都没有得到。"有什么深刻含义?(10分)
  • A. (1)作者的目的是赞赏它们自我修复、自我完善的气度和胸襟。(2)木中的祖宗从大自然中汲取营养、培养情操:追求物质享受的人最贫穷。

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