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  • [单选题]大航海时代,长期在海上航行的水手经常得坏血病,有些水手上岸后吃些柑橘、蔬菜,坏血病就痊愈了。科学家研究发现,果蔬中存在着一种可治愈坏血病的物质。该物质是

  • A. 叶酸
    B. 维生素
    C. 谷氨酸
    D. 维生素

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  • [单选题]下列选项中,不违背教师职业道德规范的做法是()。
  • A. 教师节接受学生自绘贺卡
    B. 出于爱心对学生严厉责骂
    C. 规定学生买大量辅导资料
    D. 家有喜事时接受家长贺礼

  • [单选题]考试作为一种评价方式能够评价学生的学习效果,强化学生学习的欲望。但仅凭考试成绩来评价学生,可能会使学生变成"书呆子"。上述事实表明( )。
  • A. 教育既有正向显性功能,又有正向隐性功能
    B. 教育既有负向显性功能,又有负向隐性功能
    C. 教育既有负向显性功能,又有正向隐性功能
    D. 教育既有正向显性功能,又有负向隐性功能

  • [单选题]班级管理的模式有:常规管理、平行管理、民主管理、( )。
  • A. 权威管理
    B. 目标管理
    C. 综合管理
    D. 交叉管理

  • [单选题]请阅读 Passage 2,完成1~5小题。   Passage 2   IF YOU want something done,the saying goes,give it to a busy person.It is an odd way to guarantee hitting deadlines.But a paper recently published in the Journal of Consumer Research suggests it may,in fact,be true-as long as the busy person conceptualises the deadline in the right way.   Yanping Tu of the University of Chicago and Dilip Soman of the University of Toronto   examined how individuals go about both thinking about and completing tasks.Previous studies have shown that such activity progresses through four distinct phases: pre-decision,post-decision (but pre-action),action and review.It is thought that what motivates the shift from the decision-making stages to the doing-something stage is a change in mindset.   Human beings are a deliberative sort,weighing the pros and cons of future actions and remaining open to other ideas and influences.However,once a decision is taken,the mind becomes more "implemental" and focuses on the task at hand."The mindset towards 'where can I get a sandwich'," explains Ms Tu,"is more implemental than the mindset towards 'should I get a sandwich or not?'"   Ms Tu and Dr Soman advise in their paper that "the key step in getting things done is to get started." But what drives that? They believe the key that unlocks the implemental mode lies in how people categorise time.They suggest that tasks are more likely to be viewed with an implemental mindset if an imposed deadline is cognitively linked to "now" -a so-called like-the-present scenario.That might be a future date within the same month or calendar year,or pegged to an event with a familiar spot in the mind's timeline (being given a task at Christmas,say,with a deadline of Easter).Conversely,they suggest,a deadline placed outside such mental constructs (being "unlike-the-present" ) exists merely as a circle on a calendar,and as such is more likely to be considered deliberatively and then ignored until the last minute.   To flesh out this ideA.the pair carried out five sets of tests,with volunteers ranging from farmers in India to undergraduate students in Toronto.In one test,the farmers were offered a financial incentive to open a bank account and make a deposit within six months.The researchers predicted those approached in June would consider a deadline before December 31st as like-the-present.Those approached in July,by contrast,received a deadline into the next year,and were expected to think of their deadline as unlike-the-present.The distinction worked.Those with a deadline in the same year were nearly four times more likely to open the account immediately as those for whom the deadline lay in the following year.Arbitrary though calendars may be in parsing up the continuous fiow of time,humans parse their concept of time in line with them.   The effect can manifest itselfin even subtler ways.In another set of experiments,undergraduate students were given a calendar on a Wednesday and were asked to suggest an appropriate day to carry out certain tasks before the following Sunday.The trick was that some were given a calendar with all of the weekdays coloured purple,with weekends in beige (making a visual distinction between a Wednesday and the following Sunday).Others were given a calendar in which every other week,Monday to Sunday,was a solid colour (meaning that a Wednesday and the following Sunday were thus in the same week,and in the same colour).Even this minor visual cue affected how like-or unlike-the-present the respondents tended to view task priorities.   These and other bits of framing and trickery in the research support the same thesis: that making people link a future event to today triggers an implemental response,regardless of how far in the future the deadline actually lies.If the journey of l,000 miles starts with a single step,the authors might suggest that you take that step before this time next week.
  • Why can a busy person hit deadline to the present according to the passage?

  • A. He cherishes time more.
    B. He is good at making decisions.
    C. He is used to doing things immediately.
    D. He tends to link a future deadline to the present.

  • [多选题]材料:   三个学生进商店,分别买饮料。一个人说,我喜欢喝果汁,味道是甜的;另一个人说,我喜欢喝咖啡,苦中带甜;还有一个人说,我喜欢矿泉水,味道是淡的。一位教师听见了,若有所思。   根据上述材料给你的启示,联系实际,写一篇作文。要求:用规范的现代汉语写作。不要脱离材料内容或含义,题目自拟,立意自定,观点明确,分析具体,条理清晰,语言流畅。不少于1000字。
  • A. 【参考范文】缤纷成就和谐 三个学生走进商店寻解渴之物,喜甜者偏爱果汁,喜淡者选择矿泉水,喜欢又苦又甜者买下咖啡,三种味道不同,但却因不同而和谐一一和而不同方为和谐,若这世上只有一种饮料,则不免单调而索然无味。 缤纷成就和谐,试看暮春三月,鹅柳淡烟的嫩黄,映阶碧草的翠绿,出墙红杏的艳红,卷云时舒的碧空,它们的颜色各不相同,但这又有何妨?"万紫干红总是春",本来万物都欣然生长的春日就不是由一种色彩来主宰的。不同的是表象,和谐的是本质,缤纷成就的是多彩的世界,是真正意义的和谐。 轻叩红楼之门,寻那桩百年来曼远悠长的梦,你说《红楼梦》里众相纷芸,钟灵秀丽的女儿如此之多,谁是读者的最爱?从来是众口难调,然而亦从来是雅俗共赏,轻抚着略微卷起的书页,我们仿佛听到.那"我来迟了,不曾迎接远客"的张扬,那"花落人亡两不知"的忧伤,那"这个妹妹,好像哪里见过"的惊喜,那"爱哥哥,爱哥哥"的呼唤,汇成了一曲和谐的乐章,不绝于耳,味之不尽….. 和谐不是一把尺子,硬生生地丈量万物,用同一个标准命令世间万物达成量的一致:和谐是一位总揽全局的决策者,抑或说是指挥家,让万事万物各就其位,让它们演绎真实的自己,成就真正的和谐。 千年之前,春秋战国的战乱年代里却上演了空前而惊世的文化盛宴,诸子百家的争鸣之声穿透史册、书卷,穿越时空仍然在耳畔掷地有声;千年之后,蔡元培先生的"不以自己思想来束缚他人,亦不以他人之思想来束缚自己"这一名言震醒了求索中的多少中国人,而"学术自由,兼容并包"的思想又延续至今,令人感佩。 子日"有教无类"。作为人民教师,我们应尊重不同的学生,尊重不同的看法,尊重不同的选择,用心去领会并呵护真正的和谐,对各个学生的兴趣爱好给予保护;对各个学生的学习陋习给予宽容;尊重商店里买不同饮料的学生:尊重音像店里买古典音乐或是流行摇滚音乐的学生….正是每个学生的不同特性构成这变幻多彩的大干世界,没有不同就没有真正的和谐。 --问苍茫大地,谁主沉浮? --缤纷的色彩, --为何? --缤纷成就和谐!

  • [单选题]儿童在知道"橘子""苹果""水蜜桃"等概念之后,再学习"水果"概念,这种学习是( )。
  • A. 上位学习
    B. 下位学习
    C. 并列结合学习
    D. 归属学习

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