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    可靠性(reliability)、船舶动力装置(marine power plant)

  • [单选题]关于产品的维佟性,指出哪个是错误的表述()。

  • A. 维修度是维修性的定量定义,用M(t)表示
    B. PM(T<t)为产品恢复到规定功能时间T不超过规定时间t的概率
    C. 产品的维修度是表示产品进行维修的难易程度
    D. 产品的维修度高,则降低了船舶动力装置的可靠性

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  • [单选题]某船在航行速度为16kn时的运动阻力为12O0kN,其船舶有效功率为()kW。
  • A. 1200
    B. 9869
    C. 16000
    D. 19200

  • [单选题]Engage the flywheel with the ().
  • A. turning gear
    B. motor
    C. driving gear
    D. driven gear

  • [单选题]Telescopic pipes to the piston of a large slow-speed main propulsion diesel engine are designed to prevent ().
  • A. excessive crankcase pressure
    B. excessive lube oil temperature
    C. contamination of the lube oil by water
    D. contamination of the cooling water by lube oil

  • [单选题]A towing vessel’s capability is BEST measured by horsepower,bollard pull,maneuverability and().
  • A. displacement
    B. stability
    C. towrope pull
    D. propeller desig

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/q649d7.html
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