
21.请阅读Passage 1,完成第1~5小题。   Passage 1   Sante

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    必典考网发布"21.请阅读Passage 1,完成第1~5小题。   Passage 1   Sante"考试试题下载及答案,更多教师资格证-初中英语的考试试题下载及答案考试题库请访问必典考网初中教师资格频道。

  • [单选题]21.请阅读Passage 1,完成第1~5小题。   Passage 1   Sante fe,New Mexico multimillionaire Fortest Fenn has always loved a good adventure.As asmall child before eight,he and his brother,Skippy spent summer vacations making exploration inYellowstone National Park.   As a teen,Fenn idolized the decorated World War Ⅱ fighter pilot,called Robin Olds and latter emulated his hero during The Vietnam War as an Air fighter pilot to go to New Mexico and settledthere as an arts and antiques dealer,hunting down valuable paintings,rugs,war memorabilia.andother antique to sell.   In 1998,Fenn was diagnosed with terminal kidney cancer.As he had always been doing,he conceived a grand adventured that he assumed would be his last one.“I wanted to create some excitement,some hope,before I died,”says Fenn,82,adding that he also wanted to“get kids out ofthe game room and off the couch.”With those ideas in his mind,he started to devise a treasure hunt.   little by little,Fenn began stocking a small bronze chest with gold coins,prehistoric bracelets and other valuable things.When his cancer went into remission in 1993,he decided he would carryout his plan anyway.   In 2010,“Fenn topped”off the chest with jewels and valuable stones and hid it somewhere deepin the Rocky Mountains,north of Sante Fe.later that year,he wrote a poem for his self-publishedmemoir,The Thrill of the Chase.It contained nine clues about the treasure box's whereabouts.Onestanza reads like this:Begin it where warm waters halt/and take it in the canyon down/Not far,buttoo far to walk/Put in below the home of Brown.   A few months later,a story about the treasure appeared in a magazine.Since then,Fenn hasreceived thousands of e-mails from treasure hunters.Some request more clues to the box.Butmostly“people thanked me for bringing their family together,”he says with a self-comforting smileon his face.   In April,Fenn told a crowd at an albuquerque bookstore that two groups of treasure huntershad gotten within 500 feet of the chest.“They walked right by it,”he said.   Fenn is confident that the treasure will be unearthed eventually and says it will take the right combination of cunning and perseverance.“It will be discovered by someone who has read the clues carefully and successfully.But nobody is going to happen upon it,”   He predicts.He hopes that whoever finds the loot will relish the riches and the adventure of finding them.

  • What does the underlined word“it”in the last but two paragraph refer to?

  • A. The riches.
    B. The treasure.
    C. The adventure.
    D. The treasure discovery.

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  • [多选题]加涅将学习结果分为哪几类?
  • A. (1)言语信息的学习,即学生掌握的是以言语信息传递(通过言语交往或印刷物的形式)的内容,或者学生的学习结果是以言语信息表达出来的。(2)智慧技能的学习,要解决“怎么做”的问题。加涅把智慧技能划分为辨别、概念(具体概念、定义性概念)、规则、高级规则(解决问题)等。(3)认知策略,即学习者用以支配自己的注意、学习、记忆和思维的有内在组织的方法。(4)运动技能的学习,即一种习得的能力,其行为结果表现在身体动作的敏捷、准确、有利和连贯等方面。(5)态度的学习,即通过学习获得的内部状态,这种状态影响着个体对事物、人物及事件所采取的行动。

  • [单选题] A项,意为“披露外国人收养孩子的过程”;B项,意为“讲述了一个非常棒的的童年时代的露营经历”;C项,意为“调查Hidden valley如何服务于收养孩子的外国家庭”;D项,意为“展示文化营如何帮助外国领养家庭。”。文章通篇介绍HiddenValley以及其他野营活动小组安排的活动及其作用,其目的是为了阐述此类野营活动小组的开展是为了帮助跨种族收养儿童更好地了解他们的传统文化,更好地融入新家庭。故选择D。
  • Which of the following is closest inmeaning to the underlined word predicamentin PARAgrAPh TWO?

  • A. Dilemma.
    B. Status.
    C. Contradiction.
    D. Consequence.

  • [单选题]集体是群体发展的( )。
  • A. 最终结果
    B. 中间环节
    C. 目标
    D. 最高阶段

  • [多选题]劳动技术教育是人的全面发展教育的重要组成部分,它是引导学生掌握劳动技术和知识技能,形成劳动观点和习惯的教育。( )
  • A. 对

  • [单选题]学生在学习过程中反复练习,而形成的一种稳定的学习行为方式是( )。
  • A. 学习策略
    B. 学习方法
    C. 学习习惯
    D. 学习迁移

  • [多选题]班级活动的选题是班级活动的中心环节,是活动全过程的关键。( )
  • A. ×

  • [单选题]依据《国家中长期教育改革与发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》,切实推进义务教育均衡发展,要实行( )。
  • A. 县(区)域内教师、校长交流制度
    B. 镇(乡)域内教师、校长交流制度
    C. 省(区)域内教师、校长交流制度
    D. 地(市)域内教师、校长交流制度

  • [单选题]在影响人际吸引中"近水楼台先得月"属于以下哪种因素的作用?( )
  • A. 熟悉性和临近性
    B. 相似性和互补性
    C. 外貌来源
    D. 对等性或互惠性

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