
That a Japanese child adopted at birth by an American couple

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  • [单选题]That a Japanese child adopted at birth by an American couple will grow up speaking English indicates_________of human language.

  • A. duality
    B. cultural transmission
    C. arbitrariness
    D. cognitive creativity

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  • [单选题]常言道:"数子十过,莫如奖子长。"这句话启示我们,教育应该坚持( )。
  • A. 以情感体验为主
    B. 以说服教育为主
    C. 以实践锻炼为主
    D. 以表扬激励为主

  • [单选题] Exceptional children are different in some significant ways from others of the same age, for the same age, for these children to develop to their full adult potential, their education must be adapted to those differences. Although we focus on the needs of exceptional children, we find ourselves describing their environment as well.While the leading actor on the stage captures our attention, we are aware of the importance of the supporting players and the scenery of the play itself.Both the family and the society in which exceptional children live are often the key to their growth and development.And it is in the public schools that we find the full expression of society′s understanding the knowledge, hopes, and fears that are passed on to the next generation. Education in any society is a mirror of that society.In that mirror we can see the strengths, the weaknesses, the hopes, the prejudices, and the central values of the culture itself.The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities. "All men are created equal." We've heard it many times, but it still has important meaning for education in a democratic society.Although the phrase was used by this country′s founders to denote equality before the law, it has also been interpreted to mean equality of opportunity.That concept implies educational opportunity for all children-the right of each child to receive help in learning to the limits of his or her capacity, whether that capacity be small or great.Recent court decisions have confirmed the right of all children-disabled or not-to an appropriate education, and have ordered that public schools take the necessary steps to provide that education.In response, schools are modifying their programs, adapting instruction to children who are exceptional, to those who cannot profit substantially from regular programs.
  • From its passage we learn that the educational concern for exceptional children

  • A. is now enjoying legal support
    B. disagrees with the tradition of the country
    C. was clearly stated by the country′s founders
    D. will exert great influence over court decisions

  • [单选题]下列关于学校及其他教育机构的权利和义务说法错误的是( )。
  • A. 对受教育者进行奖励和处分的权利
    B. 依据本校情况调整收取标准的权利
    C. 依法接受监督的义务
    D. 维护受教育者、教师及其他职工的合法权益的义务

  • [单选题]下列武器中,在第二次世界大战过程中首次研发成功,并用于战争的是( )。
  • A. 坦克
    B. 重机枪
    C. 原子弹
    D. 潜水艇

  • [单选题]在一次心理学知识测试中,关于短时记忆的容量单位,学生们的答案涉及下列四种,其中正确的是( )。
  • A. 比特
    B. 组块
    C. 字节
    D. 词组

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/q0vg.html
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