
Lean Logisitics的中文意思是()。

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    电子商务(e-commerce)、行政机构(administrative structure)

  • [单选题]Lean Logisitics的中文意思是()。

  • A. 精益物流
    B. 定制物流
    C. 增值物流
    D. 虚拟物流

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  • 学习资料:
  • [单选题]After completing a commercial transaction, () will execute the transfer of goods from the seller to the buyer in the most-effective manner.
  • A. Logistics
    B. Supply chain
    C. Virtual warehouse
    D. Transportation

  • [单选题]The advantages of () include better accuracy, customer service, precise control of transportation and data analysis capabilities to anyone capable of using the virtual database.
  • A. GPS
    B. Information system
    C. Virtual warehousing
    D. Communication system

  • [单选题]()performs 2 basic functions: marketing and logistics.
  • A. paper wrapping
    B. Packaging
    C. warehouse
    D. transportation

  • [单选题]B2A的中文意思是()。
  • A. 企业对管理
    B. 企业社会
    C. 企业对政府
    D. 企业与行政机构的电子商务

  • 本文链接:https://www.51bdks.net/show/q03l40.html
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