因材施教、循序渐进、表达形式(expression form)、理解能力(comprehension)、象征意义(symbolic meaning)、具体情况具体分析(based on specific cases)、教学进度(teaching progress)、初中英语课堂教学(junior middle school english classroom
A. 保护学生安全
B. 尊重学生人格
C. 用于探索创新
D. 认真备课上课
[多选题]教学相长"、"循序渐进"等教学原则最早出自《论语》。( )
A. ×
[多选题]下列关于学校文化所具有的特点的表述,正确的有( )。
A. 它是以有形的物质为载体的无形文化
B. 它是一种具有相对稳定性和连续性的文化
C. 它是一种有个性的文化
D. 它是一种软约束性的文化
A. (1)该学生存在厌学症心理问题。厌学症是指学生消极对待学习活动的行为反应模式,主要表现为学生对学习认识存在偏差,情感上消极对待学习,行为上主动远离学习。患有厌学症的学生往往学习目的不明确,对学习失去兴趣;不认真听课,不完成作业,怕考试;甚至恨书、恨老师、恨学校,旷课逃学;严重者一提到学习就恶心、头昏、脾气暴躁甚至歇斯底里。厌学症对青少年的生理,心理健康具有极大的危害性。(2)原因包括,学习情感淡漠,缺乏兴趣;学习动机不足;意志薄弱,耐挫力差。(3)音乐疗法。迪普音是一种对频率、相位都进行过特殊处理的声音,与人耳固有频率相同,能够在耳蜗、耳前庭狭窄的空域内引起共振,并通过共振对中耳、内耳进行按摩理疗,对耳神经能起到调剂的作用,减轻耳前庭功能紊乱状态,反馈到人的大脑,中枢神经和脑垂体,帮助内啡肽生成,降低、平抚焦虑不安的情绪。
[单选题]针对中小学生常见的"言行不一"问题,德育应( )。
A. 从"知"开始
B. 从"行"开始
C. 从"意"开始
D. 具体情况具体分析
[单选题]Passage 2
The subject of ballads, books and films,Robin Hood has proven to be one of popular
culture's most enduring folk heroes. Overthe course of 700 years, the outlaw fromNottingham shire who robs the rich to giveto the poor has emerged as one of the most enduring folk heroes in popular culture andone of the most versatile. But how has thelegend of Sherwood Forests merry out laws evolved over time? Did a real Robin Hood inspire these classic tales?
Beginning in the 15th century and perhaps even earlier, Christian revelers in certain partsof England celebrated May Day with plays and games involving a Robin Hood figure withnear-religious significance. In the 19th century,writer-illustrators like Howard Pyle adaptedthe traditional tales for children, popularizingthem in the United States and around theworld.More recently, bringing Robin to thesilver screen has become a rite of passagefor directors ranging from Michael Curtiz andRidley Scott to Terry Gilliam and Mel Brooks.
Throughout Robins existence, writers,performers and filmmakers have probed theirimaginations for new incarnations thatresonate with their respective audiences.In 14th-century England, where agrarian discontent had begun to chip away atthe feudal system, he appears as an anti-establishment rebel who murders government agents and wealthy landowners. Latervariations from times of less social upheaval dispense with the gore and cast Robin as a dispossessed aristocrat with a heart of gold and a love interest, Maid Marian.
Academics. meanwhile have combedthe historical record for evidence of a realrobin Hood English legal records suggestthat, as early as the 13th century, “Robehod,”“Rabunhod”and other variations had become common epithets for criminals. But what hadinspired these nicknames: a fictional tale,an infamous bandit or an amalgam of both?The first literary references to Robin Hood appear in a series of 14th- and 15th-century ballads about a violent yeoman who lived inSherwood Forest with his men and frequently clashed with the Sheriff of Nottingham.Rather than a peasant, knight or fallennoble, as in later versions, the protagonistof these medieval stories is a commonerLittle John and Will Scarlet are part of thisRobin's “merry”crew--meaning, at the time, anoutlaws gang--but Maid Marian, Friar Tuck and Alan-a-Dale would not enter the legend untillater, possibly as part of the May Day rituals.
While most contemporary scholarshave failed to turn up solid clues, medieval
chroniclers took or granted that a historicalRobin Hood lived and breathed during the 12thor 13th century. The details of their accountsvary widely, however, placing him in conflictingregions and eras. Not until John Majors“History of Greater Britain”(1521), for example,is he depicted as a follower of King Richard,one of his defining characteristics in moderntimes.
We may never know for sure whetherRobin Hood ever existed outside the versesof ballads and pages of books. And even ifwe did, fans, young and old, would still surelyflock to England's Nottinghamshire region for a tour of the legends alleged former hangouts,from centuries-old pubs to the Major Oak inSherwood Forest.What we do know is thatthe notion of a brave rebel who live on theoutskirts of society, fighting injustice andoppression with his band of companions, hauniversal appeal-whether he's played by ErrollFlynn, Russell Crowe or even, as on a 1979 episode of“The Muppet Show, Kermit the Frog.”
Which of the following methods is used by the author in elaborating his points?
A. Quotation
B. Contrast and comparison
C. Classification
D. Rhetorical question
A. :(1)教学反馈的类型:口头反馈与书面反馈。口头反馈指对学生的口头活动、书面作业或者测试提供的信息。口头反馈的方法有:①教师直接改错。②启发学生自己改错。教师不应该像监控器一样监控学生的语言输出。③启发学生互相改错。互相改错可以提高学生对错误的敏感性,逐渐减少学生对教师的依赖。书面反馈一般用于课后对学生作业或者测试提供的书而评价符号或教是评语。而课堂上的书而反馈主要是指教师或者其指定的学生用书面的方式对学生的语言活动所做的评价性记录例如计分法、画“正字”法、红旗或送红花法,都可以确认学生表达内容是正确的,同时还可以显示竞赛中不同小组的成绩差异。(2)了解学生学习情况的三种途径:①课堂提问:课堂提问可以增进学生对教学的参与:启发学生的思维活动;获得教与学的汇总信息;提示学习重点;提高交际能力。②测试:测式包括口试和笔试。口试不仅要考查学生的语音、语调、表达的流利程度、表达的可理解度、用词恰当等表达能力,还要考查学生的听力理解能力,当然还要对学生所使用的交际策略、所具有的跨文化意识、表达中的行为等进行综合评价。笔试包括听力、阅读理解、书面表达和语言知识考查等,可以检验学生的基本英语水平。③调查表:主要用于在学生学习某一单元、某一课之前所进行的简短调查。通过对学生的调查,一方面可以了解学生已有的水平和存在的问题:另一方面可以帮助教师及时调整教学进度(teaching progress)和教学策略。解析:本题考查的是教学反馈的类型,分别是口头反馈与书面反馈以及列举了解学生的学习情况的三种途径包括课堂提问、测试和调查表。
[多选题]下面是初中英语课堂教学(junior middle school english classroom )导入活动中的师生对话片段,该单元的话题是“Jobs”。
T: Hi, Lily. What does your mother do?
S:He…T: Oh, no. Not“he”,your mother is a woman.You should use “she”instead of“he”.OK?
T: Go on! What's your mother's job?
S:He is a…
A. (1)该教师采用的是直接纠错法。直接纠错是指学习者出现错误时,教师打断其语言训练或实践活动,对其错误予以正面纠正(说出正确的语言形式,并让学生改正)。效果:没有起到纠错的作用。依据:教师纠错后,学生表现得很紧张不知所措,并没有吸收正确的表达方式。这导致学生在第二次作答时,仍不能正确组织语言,错误仍然没有改正。(2)该教师在对话的过程中不断打断学生进行语法的纠正,过于关注语法的准确性,会导致学生因为常犯错误而自信心下降,并影响口语表达的流利性。(3)建议:①合理把握纠错时机。如果教学活动旨在培养学生的口头表达能力,那么教师在学生发言时不宜进行纠错,以免造成学生心理紧张,影响其表达的流利性:教师应在学生发言结束后再指出其错误,并给出正确的表达形式。如果教学活动的侧重点是语言的准确性,教师则应及时指出学生的错误并予以纠正,以保证正确输出,为精确表达奠定基础。②合理变换纠错主体。教师在英语课堂上可灵活变换纠错主体,单独或交替使用自我纠错、同学纠错和全班共同纠错等方式。